Etsy SEO

Etsy SEO – Marmalead vs Google Keyword Planner

Etsy SEO can be confusing. Many Etsy sellers have turned to tools like Google’s Keyword Planner for help in finding which search terms shoppers engage with. Over the past 6 months, we have been running a study to collect actual search terms from actual Etsy shoppers. This is an important first step in developing Marmalead […]

Etsy How-to

4 Elements of an Excellent Product Photo

Selling online has become very popular as a way to market everything from yard sale treasures to family collections. There is nothing that will make or break a sale faster than the product photo you list with it. This is the only look your prospective customer will have at your product and an out of […]

Guest Posts

What I’ve learned in a year and 1,100 Etsy sales

Special Guest post by Michelle of FourLetterWordsCards ——– YAY! I am coming up to my 1 year anniversary on Etsy. Things have certainly been a learning experience and I’m incredibly proud of what I’ve accomplished in a year. Here’s some of the things I’ve learned along the way. (Also, add what YOU’VE learned too – […]

Etsy How-to Etsy SEO

The Quick and Dirty Guide to Finding Great Etsy Keywords with Marmalead

** This article doesn’t contain the most recent information about Etsy search. For the most relevant info, head over to our Marmalead Help site! ** We’ve been getting a bunch of questions from our users lately asking; “How does someone incorporate the data given by Marmalead to their shops?” AND “How can I use Marmalead […]