Is it just us, or did the last three months feel like 10 years?! Man, what a crazy three months we’ve had, but we’re thankful and grateful to have made it here with our Marmalead community! In honor of us all making it through, we’ve got your second-quarter free desktop & mobile calendars available for download!
Acknowledging the craziness
We’ve gotta do it. We have to say that these have been some of the most surreal few weeks and we know that for so many people, life feels super uncertain right now. Some of you are home with kiddos, suddenly thrust into being stay-at-home parents/homeschool parents overnight. There are many who are home from full-time jobs, wondering if their Etsy shops will pull them through this uncertain time.
So for those of you looking to put emphasis on your Etsy shop now that you’re home. Or those of you interested in driving forward the momentum you can right now- here are some things that Etsy is planning to do in order to help shops get or stay ahead while Covid-19 is a part of our lives.
What is Etsy doing to keep sales rolling?
First, Etsy says that they’re planning on investing $5 million in off-site add credits through the end of April. That means they’ll be promoting your products on Google, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Bing at no cost to you, the Etsy seller. Etsy is investing in your growth now so you won’t see any off-site ad charges until at least May 1st. That means you’ll only pay an advertising fee on orders you receive from off-site ads if the shopper clicked on the ad on or after May 1.
Okay, anything else?
Yes! Etsy has said they’ll give sellers extra time to pay their bills. They know everything is uncertain and that sellers are having to make very quick adjustments while facing an ever-changing economic landscape. So they are providing all sellers with an outstanding bill a “one month grace period”. This is great news as everyone works to adjust and (like Ross on Friends) “Pivot!”
Speaking of “Pivot!!”
If it’s possible for you, do it! From a marketing perspective what Etsy is doing with ads is a win for the Etsy community. Shops are getting extra exposure funded by Etsy and the Etsy name is also getting a lot of media coverage as a marketplace because of the sudden increase in online shopping.
So how can you take advantage? Is it possible for you to start creating some of the necessities that are in short supply at the local grocer (hand sanitizer, soap, cleaning products, etc.)? If you are more into the art side of things, can you create and sell art projects for moms who are trying to make sure their kids don’t miss out on extracurriculars? Do you sell jewelry? If so, can you create pieces that will emphasize bringing joy into our lives during difficult times? Whatever you make, get creative and look to meet these new needs that are popping up while we all work together to keep each other safe and protect our livelihoods.
From us to you.
Remember, as a team, we’re all here for you! Reach out to us with your inspiring stories of positivity and/or comment and let us know when you like a blog post or social media post. We want to give you more of what brightens your day!
Our calendars are something we’ve been doing for a while now. They’re our way of thanking you for being part of our community…plus, they’re just a fun piece of content to design! We hope you love the new quarter’s calendars as much as we do! So from our homes to yours, may you and your families stay healthy and safe. Please know that we are here and will continue to bring you quality content and features.
We are in this together. Happy selling, everyone!

Desktop Calendar | iPhone Calendar | iPhone Wallpaper

Printable Calendar

Desktop Calendar | iPhone Calendar | iPhone Wallpaper

Printable Calendar

Desktop Calendar | iPhone Calendar | iPhone Wallpaper

Printable Calendar