Marmalife Posts

Setting Intentions vs Setting Goals with Marmalead

Life has changed pretty drastically in the last couple of months and it’s been quite the adjustment for all of us. As an Etsy seller, we know you’ve definitely felt this change in your work schedule (even if working from home was always your version of normal). You may have adjusted your product line up […]

The Jam

Etsy Keywords with Marmalead vs Google Keyword Planner

So you’re ready to sit down and get your Etsy keywords all buttoned up. But should you use Marmalead or a source for Google SEO, like Google Keyword Planner? Stick around, while we talk about the purposes of both in this episode of The Jam! 

Etsy How-to

Etsy-nomics and Covid-19

Join us for a quick dive into a little positive outlook from Etsy CEO Josh Silverman. It’s not all bad news out there, in fact, it’s far from it! With shops pivoting to making masks and people turning more and more to online shopping, there is a positive outlook for you to find Etsy shop […]


Q2 2020 Free Desktop Calendars

Is it just us, or did the last three months feel like 10 years?! Man, what a crazy three months we’ve had, but we’re thankful and grateful to have made it here with our Marmalead community! In honor of us all making it through, we’ve got your second-quarter free desktop & mobile calendars available for […]