Etsy Jam

Etsy Seasonal Keywords With Marmalead Forecasting

Today we are super excited to announce the release of keyword Seasonality and Forecasting inside Marmalead. Now it’s super simple to see how much shopper engagement Etsy seasonal keywords (or any keywords) have received over the past year – and how well we expect that keyword to do in the near future. In this Jam […]

Marmalife Posts

6 Tips For Photographing Large Items On Etsy

A few weeks ago, we tackled 7 Tips For Taking Great Etsy Photos. This week, we’re going to tackle tips on photographing large items specifically. Since our last photography article was aimed more toward Etsy sellers who sell smaller items, we didn’t want our large item sellers to feel left out! 😉 So let’s get […]

Marmalife Posts

Etsy Shop Holiday Collection Planning with Marmalead

Goodbye summer… We’re not sure how summer flew by so quickly around here, but the end is definitely in sight! In light of that, it’s time to start planning for the upcoming seasons. Autumn will be here before you know it and for many Etsy sellers, it brings with it the holiday season. We know […]


August 2018 Free Desktop Calendar from Marmalead

Our August 2018 free desktop calendar for Etsy sellers is available for download! This month we’d like to wish you, our amazing small business creatives, crafters, and makers, a very happy last month of summer!