Marmalife Posts

8 Tips For Starting An Etsy Shop

Are you new to this whole Etsy shop thing? Or maybe you’re still thinking about it? Either way, you’re here now and we’ve got some words of wisdom for you. I assembled our Marmalead team (minus Kevz because he just got married so we’re excited he’s off celebrating!) and had them all come up with […]

Etsy Jam

Top 5 Etsy Seller Questions with Lisa from Marmalead

Do you have an A listing in Marmalead and still aren’t seeing more sales? Are you wondering what’s up with Etsy’s latest changes? Do you wonder how long it takes to see results after making changes to your listings? Lisa from Marmalead joins us today to answer these pressing Etsy seller questions and MORE! Stick […]

Success Stories

Etsy Success Story with Marmalead – Kelly

Marmalife Posts

5 Ways To Stay Motivated When Etsy Sales Are Slow

As Etsy sellers, small business creatives, crafters, and makers, we know you’re familiar with the spring/summer slump. You probably see it coming from a mile away. It’s probably the slow down you knew was up ahead and have dreaded for months. As we’ve mentioned before, we want to keep our customers positive when the tendency would […]