Marmalife Posts

Why Marmalead?

Why Marmalead? Marmalead keeps it simple. It’s our pleasure to serve the Etsy community with integrity and the highest quality products on the market. Have you heard less is more? That’s what Marmalead stands for. The internet is a distracting place. There’s a ton of opportunity out there, yet many shops are still failing. Why […]

Etsy Jam

Etsy Seller Tips from a Shopper’s Perspective with Carly from PendantPlaceStore

They say you can get a good look at a T-bone steak by….oh never mind. But you CAN get a good look at a shop by experiencing it from a customer’s perspective. And that’s exactly what our guest Carly from PendantPlaceStore did this last holiday season. Stick around to hear some great Etsy seller tips, […]

Etsy Jam

Seller Productivity Tips to Rejuvenate Your Shop with Carly from PendantPlaceStore

Do you have a secret technique for staying focused on your shop and keeping life’s relentless onslaught of distractions from tugging you off course? In this episode, we chat with Carly from PendantPlaceStore about how she parents herself by holding herself accountable for the things she knows she needs to get done. We also talk […]


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