The Jam

Are You Ready For an Etsy Shop Assistant?

How do you know when it’s time to start thinking about hiring an Etsy shop assistant? What does that process even look like? Stick around as we talk with Dalia from The Handmade Mastermind about her advice on assistants in this episode of the Jam. 

Etsy How-to

Etsy Shipping Costs and How to Calculate Them

Alright, your Etsy shop is set up! You’ve mastered your product photography, nailed your brand, and buyers are treated with that sweet aesthetic when visiting your online shop… and just now, you’ve even made your first sale! You’re excited! You look around your house for something to ship it in and realize you only have […]

Etsy How-to

How to Research Etsy Keywords

To find the best and most relevant keywords for your Etsy shop, you must first know how to research Etsy keywords. With a little thoughtful research and the right set of tools, you can be sure that you’ll grow your business, get more sales, and simply make more profit.

The Jam

Commit Yourself to Etsy Success with our SWEAT Pledge

Pledges and affirmations can be powerful things. In this episode, we take one of our favorite pledges and make it especially relevant to your Etsy success and the e-commerce space.