Business Life

Will Smith Slap & Etsy Copyright Infringement

Etsy copyright infringement is a finicky thing. Copyright laws themselves are confusing at best, but Etsy’s take on what plagiarism is and isn’t only makes the area murkier. To make matters worse, copyright laws vary from state to state and country to country.

The Jam

Are you a victim to these Etsy myths?

Do you need a certain number of listings to be successful on Etsy? If you don’t pay for ads, will Etsy hide your listing? Does Etsy hate vintage sellers? Stick around as we bust some juicy Etsy myths with Kara Buntin on this episode of the Jam.

Marmalife Posts

6 Tips For Finding More Daily Organization

It can be so easy to think about getting more organized, but one of the hardest things is actually doing it! Maybe finding daily organization was one of your New Year’s resolutions, but it’s fallen to the wayside because – well, life. Today we’re chatting through some easy tips to help you start down the […]

The Jam

How to Thrive With the Latest Etsy Search Change

There’s a new search algorithm in town. Is your shop still set up to win? Etsy has been making changes to how they present search results and it could have an impact on your stats, listings, and sales. Stick around to find out what you need to be doing in your shop to take advantage […]