Marmalife Posts

Celebrating Women’s History Month

All the women

March is Women’s History Month which we think is awesome! Here at Marmalead, we’re all about supporting our female subscribers. If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be us. We stand and applaud you! The women who are single and hustling. The mom’s who are juggling kids and life and their business. The ladies working a full-time job and still finding the time to run their Etsy shop. The women who are retired and finding a new passion on Etsy. Those of you who decided to pursue your passions and walk away from that nine to five grind.

Whoever you are, whatever your story is, however you got here, we want to celebrate you. Simply for being you. We think you ROCK and we’re so privileged to have you as part of our community!

May we introduce…

Just a few women we’ve come to know and who we think are very inspirational. Please enjoy their stories and check out their shops! We promise you’ll love each one of them:) From Marmalead to you, keep rocking the hustle that is Etsy, ladies! You do it so well.

The Overcomer

Victoria Elson


“Behind every successful woman is her shelf?!” This was Victoria’s thought after having a set of shelves collapse, breaking much of her shop’s inventory. “I guess my main thought was ‘clean up and carry on, breath and enjoy the renewed simplicity…or let your husband clean up and then carry on!’ As a woman selling on Etsy, it’s a very supportive community. It has some great feminist stuff at time and lots of beautiful inspiration which can lift a lady from the gloom of her day-to-day! It works really well as a stay at home mum. I have been able to use my Etsy shop as a secondary income whilst doing the most important thing to me, which is raising my small boys. Yes there have been breastfeeding whilst listing on Etsy moments!”

The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.

— Serena Williams


The Affiliate Marketer

Julianne Smith


“Getting paid for sharing products and unique finds from Etsy is a win-win for everyone! Affiliate marketing helps my readers find new and interesting products. It helps me by bringing in extra income and I gain trust with my readers by sharing items that they would not have otherwise known about. It helps Etsy by bringing traffic and more shoppers to the platform. And it helps my fellow sellers on Etsy because I’m able to promote their shops and share their items with my readers – at no cost to them.”

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!

— Audrey Hepburn


The Full-Timer

Rachel Bode Tucker

Indigo Tangerine

“When I started my very first small business on Etsy back in 2008, I was a full-time, stay-at-home mom and it was just a side-hustle for me. When I started my second Etsy shop in 2015, I was still only doing it part-time, and never had to put much energy into marketing it; it was what it was, and there was no pressure on me to make it any more than that. Transitioning to being a full-time seller on Etsy was a scary step to take, and I leveraged myself carefully. When I discovered the power of Etsy SEO, everything changed and I was suddenly too busy taking orders to keep hunting for backup jobs. It’s been a journey full of challenges, but I wouldn’t give it up for the world. Each and every day that I get to call this my job I consider a humble privilege – I love what I do!”

I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass.

— Maya Angelou


The Helping Hand

Kara Buntin

A Cake to Remember

“I’ve been an Etsy seller since 2011, and part of the ‘fun’ of having an online business is figuring out how to get your listings in front of the people who want to buy them. I actually enjoy doing that, and I also enjoy helping other people figure it out so that they can make their own businesses more successful. As a female business owner, I’ve always tried to encourage other women to see their own value as far as working and making money goes, and to not undervalue their work. Making a profit isn’t a bad thing. It puts your kids through college, pays the bills, and buys you nice things along the way. If I can help a few people understand how to better accomplish that through selling on Etsy, then that’s good.”

A woman is like a tea bag—you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.

— Eleanor Roosevelt


The Positivity Guru

Monica Rodgers

Crystal Relics

“That which you focus on grows. All too often we tend to focus on the fears we harbor consciously and subconsciously when it comes to realizing our potential. When you refuse to entertain thoughts of failure and focus your mind & being primarily on what it is that you want to achieve, I have found that progression in the direction of your goals is imminent. I am a strong believer that how you think and react when you fail, heavily influences how long it will be before you succeed. I am entirely grateful for the opportunities Etsy provides for creative entrepreneurs across the globe. What you put in is what you get out & Marmalead is a great way to get the most out of your Etsy store.”

11 replies on “Celebrating Women’s History Month”

Thanks for reading, Kate! We appreciate all the ladies in our community, including you 🙂 Happy selling!

Kara is definitely awesome! We’re so glad you found her videos and also that you took the time to read our article 🙂

We’re so glad you like them, Elisabeth! Nothing like some great motivation to start your week off right 🙂

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