Here at Marmalead, we strive to give you tools that help with your Etsy SEO. But we also want to provide helpful tools for your shop in general, especially ones that help you dial in your Etsy shop goals! That’s why we’re excited to release the 2022 January Etsy shop checklist, and as always, we hope it helps you find Etsy shop success!
Check out our printable checklist for January at the bottom of this blog post!
A brand new year is here! We’ve got a checklist designed to help you start this new year off on the right foot! This month’s list has been filled with important dates to help start your year strong and keep you on track through the upcoming months. Happy 2022 from our team at Marmalead!
Our January Etsy Shop Checklist makes the new year a little bit easier!
Start thinking ahead with our January checklist, designed to help with implementing changes in your shop for 2022!
We are now only releasing printable pdfs that you can print out at home instead of our monthly desktop calendars. What’s great is that you can use this list to literally check off general tasks. We’ve also included specific dates a task needs to be completed to help keep your shop on track for September! With our Etsy shop checklists, you can stay on track all year long!
Download the 2022 January Etsy shop checklist for your shop!