With a Twist

Does Your Listing Price Affect Etsy’s Algorithm?

Your listing price can make or break a potential sale – but does price affect Etsy’s algorithm? If you price your products too high, how will the algorithm react? Or if your products are priced too low, will the algorithm show your listings to more shoppers? Let’s take a look!

The Twist

Update Your Etsy Listings Without Angering the Etsy Algorithm

The Etsy algorithm is complicated, but it doesn’t have to be scary. If it’s time to make some changes to your tags, it can be tempting to change all your listings at once. But won’t the algorithm get mad? Well, on today’s episode of With a Twist, we’re answering your questions about updating your Etsy […]

The Jam

How to Thrive With the Latest Etsy Search Change

There’s a new search algorithm in town. Is your shop still set up to win? Etsy has been making changes to how they present search results and it could have an impact on your stats, listings, and sales. Stick around to find out what you need to be doing in your shop to take advantage […]