Etsy Jam

The Best Etsy Keyword Tool for Finding the Best Keywords for Etsy

We’ve got some big announcements for you this week! We’ve released a bunch of changes to Marmalead and we’re going to walk you step by step through all the updates. These updates definitely make Marmalead the best Etsy keyword tool for finding the best keywords! Just like Steven Tyler, you’re not gonna miss a thing. Stay tuned for part 2 of this series where we’ll do a deep dive into our biggest announcement – REAL Etsy shopper keyword searches and why it’s the most important thing for your SEO as an Etsy seller. Stick around!

Real shopper keywords….say what?! 

We’ve had the same tagline around here for a while now. But there are changes happening and the wind has shifted! Our old tagline was: Marmalead is the best Etsy SEO and market research tool for serious sellers. You’re super familiar with it, right? And now let us introduce you to our new tagline: Marmalead gets your products found with real shopper keywords. Wait…what?! That’s craziness! About as crazy as Richie’s attire in this Jam (you’re not gonna want to miss that!)

A whole new world, a dazzling place…you get the drift;)

So what does this mean and what’s different about Marmalead?? Well, a lot of stuff is different! We just had a big production release and this is probably the biggest change we’ve had since we released the Marmameters way back when. Obviously, we pushed out a bunch of updates about a month ago for filtering and fun stuff like that. But the new change is a really BIG shift to the core of what we’re doing inside of Marmalead, plus a bunch of other little changes all over the place. Today we’re going to take a spin through all these changes. We’re going to outline what the changes are and what they mean for you as a seller.

The biggest change of all 

This is the giant kahuna, the big gun, the T-Rex of all the changes: Marmalead is now using data from real Etsy shoppers. We’re no longer looking at listings that are coming back from Etsy which can change drastically from search to search. We’re looking at actual shopper keywords. Not keywords that sellers have already entered on their listings. Not Google search volume masquerading as Etsy data. These are ACTUALLY KEYWORDS from Etsy shoppers themselves. This is HUGE for us and we’re SUPER excited about it!

What’s the Marmalead website say?! 

Our website now says that Marmalead gets your products found with real shopper keywords and it takes the guesswork out of being found! This means no more using seller keywords. These are definitely getting harder and hard to use as Etsy continues making changes going forward with personalized and context sensitive search.

Be our guest

We’re going to take you on a tour through our site for the remainder of this blog. We’ll be starting on the search page and then work our way through the rest of the pages. We’ll highlight every single one of the changes we’ve just incorporated into the website. Feel free to pull up another window where you’re signed into Marmalead at this point. It might be helpful for you as we go along:)

Long Tail MarmaMeter

Long Tail uses machine learning behind the scenes studying keywords to decide if they’re a long tail keyword or not. Long tail keywords are more descriptive for shoppers and ultimately put your listings in a good spot for being found and sold.

Searches MarmaMeter

Etsy SEO changes 2018

What you’re seeing here is the number of searches for that one specific keyword. Before now, we didn’t have this, we were looking at a mix of keywords and trying to estimate information as close as possible. Now the Searches number shows searches for a specific keyword per month on Etsy. You’ll see a range of what this means and there’s, of course, a handy Marmameter that goes with it, showing you whether or not this is a good number or low number.

The new Marmameter looks like cell phone bars. And like cell phone bars, if you have a full signal it’s awesome and you’re doing great! If the bars are low so is your signal or results. The results and numbers you’re seeing are literally showing if buyers are typing whatever keyword you’ve chosen into the search bar in Etsy and looking for this keyword.

Engagement MarmaMeter 

The next thing you’ll notice to the right of the Searches is Engagement. We did have Engagement before, but just like many other things, it has changed quite a bit as well. We’re no longer looking at the search results you’re seeing that are coming back from Etsy and trying to figure out if people are engaging with these listings or not. We have information now on Etsy shopper searches and what they’re clicking on for that specific keyword. Again, before now it was a bit of a guessing game. The results came back with MANY different keywords and we always tried to give you a good idea of the overall engagement of the keyword.

Now with our new data, you can see what number of people are clicking through and engaging with that specific keyword on Etsy. We now know exactly where the views are coming from and we’re sharing that with you! Which means bye-bye false positives, they no longer exist with Marmalead.

Competition MarmaMeter 

The Competition Marmameter has changed in that we not only highlight it red when there are too many results, it also goes red if there are too few results coming back for your keyword. Shoppers on Etsy really like seeing a full-page of results and will often change their search if it doesn’t bring back more than just a few results. This is why there is now a bottom level on competition for you.

High Level Stats 

Below the filters section on the search page, we have our High Level Stats. The newest feature we added to this section is Percent Free Shipping. It shows the percentage of items in this results set that offer free shipping to their origin country. You’ll get a feel for how much free shipping matters for this type of listing. Shipping cost, even a low cost has become a mental barrier to many when shopping online. 


Below the stats section is our pricing. We changed the way we’re laying out prices. No longer do we have a minimum, median, and maximum product price. We chunked these up into price ranges. Now there is a bargain price, a midrange price, and a premium price shown in the highlight section. This is far more useful than seeing the extreme values that we had before.

What you really need to know is how the shopper is going to be comparing and understanding what’s presented to them in the search. If you’re planning on pricing a product at twenty dollars, where does that really put you? The top of the premium price? Is that where you think you should be? Or maybe you have a premium product but according to the price range, you’re in the bargain price. Positioning yourself with pricing definitely places a huge role, which you will now have a much more clear view of.

Sample Listings table 

Moving down to our Sample Listings table, these are the keywords that Etsy is returning to us inside of Marmalead when you do a keyword search. We have removed fluff from this section that can’t be relied on anymore. Now we’ve added new info that will help you make better decisions about things like shipping, photos, and pricing. 

Photo Score

The first column is a Photo Score. It looks across the set of listings that are coming back and based on how many views and similar info like this, will bring back a score of what the photo might be. How often it compels shoppers to click on the listing and engage with it compared to other photos in the search results are all factored in.

Even though Etsy does not return a consistent set of first or second-page results for every person on every browser, etc, they have tens of thousands of listings that could come back for a particular keyword. They are going to cycle listings through those pages. You could hit refresh ten seconds later and the order may have changed for your results. The thing that is holding this together is that Etsy WILL use those first few pages of real estate for listings that they think are doing something right. Will the same ones always hang out there? No, they’ll be cycled through. One of the things that make Etsy cycle a listing through is definitely photo score. Use the Photo Score results to compare your photos to the ones that are coming back as great for this keyword. What’s the same about them? What do you need to change to have a similar feel to your photos? 

Days to Ship 

To the right of % Free Shipping, we have the Days to Ship. This is set for you as an Etsy seller inside of your processing days inside of your listings. Etsy gives you an option of specifying a minimum and a maximum number of days for when a shopper would expect to receive your product. Day to Ship matters. We live in a society that has become used to instant gratification and the average shopper is going to want their purchase delivered quickly. The important thing to remember here is that shoppers can filter their search results for listings that ship within 1-3 business days. Etsy has stated that buyers are more likely to buy products that ship quickly.

Now, we understand that this isn’t going to be a fit for all of you reading. That’s ok, we’re not saying that everyone has to ship within that 1-3 day window. This is what you need to be aware of: for the keyword you’re evaluating and that has brought back the sample listings you’re comparing, if the Days to Ship in average is bringing back a 3 day window and you’re taking two weeks to ship, you might need to reevaluate and change your shipping time. Shoppers will be able to see how much longer you’re taking. But, if you’re seeing that on average the Days to Ship is showing you an average of three weeks on the sample listings and you take two weeks to ship, you’re at an advantage! Use this information to tweak your shipping times as needed.


To the right of Days to Ship is the photos column. This is a straight number that shows you how many photos every single one of the sample listings is using. This will be a number of 0-10. Photos are still not being used as part of Etsy’s algorithm as of this recording. But, it’s a huge sales factor. It might not be a big deal right now if your competitors are using three photos and you’re using three photos. The shopper will look at both your listings and your competition and not really have a difference to compare with. However, if all of your competitors have ten photos and you have three, your listing is going to feel somewhat incomplete. We’re not saying you have to go back and put ten photos on every single listing you have, though Etsy does encourage this. What we’re saying to you is to stay up to the market standard. If your market has seven photos, you should at least have seven photos.

Popular Tags Table

Popular tags table Marmalead

At the bottom of the search page, we have our Popular Tags Table. Again, we did some house cleaning here as well and removed the stuff that is no longer relevant. We replaced these things with more of what we’ve already talked about in the highlight section and Sample Listings Table. 

You will see Days to Ship here as well, showing you an average number of days to ship for any of the tags in the tags table. You will again see an average number of photos for each of the tags. Of course, you can still see the average price, because that’s still very relevant.

My Listings 

SEO factors Marmalead

Your SEO Factors are looking a little different now also. When you come into your listing grades, your high level grade is now accounting for how many of your focus keywords are long tail, the level of engagement for your focus keyword, and how many of your tags are long tail.

So how do you affect them? Using long tail focus keywords and long tail tags. Also, you’ll want to make sure that there is a reasonable level of engagement for the long tail keywords you choose. Having less than 13 tags, tags that aren’t long tail, not focusing on niche keywords or choosing niche keywords with very little engagement will work to bring these meters down. 

The more focus keywords you target that have higher engagement, the more likely that you won’t just be on their screen, but that the buyer will actually engage with your listing.


If you haven’t been in Marmalead in a while, you’ll notice that the SEO and Sales Tip are new to you. These new tips have been around for a month or so and they’re a quick way to see how you can make a change to a particular listing to improve its SEO and sales prospects.

Tags Table 

Etsy SEO changes 2018

Moving down to the Tags Table at the bottom of your listing details page, it shows you all of the tags you are using on a listing. The fuzziness is gone from this table as well. We still show you your Title Strength for any given keyword and how strongly you’re targeting that keyword based on where it falls in your title. We also show you very clearly the search, engagement, results, and long tail indicator for every keyword on the table. The Marmameters show you the search and engagement ranges for how many searches and how much engagement (number of views) each of the keywords see (or in the case of engagement, are expected to see in the next 30 days).


The next section of the website we’re moving onto is Storm. It’s a powerful tool for helping you brainstorm new keywords. Obviously, you can still see the Marmameters in Storm, but the really big change is that it’s smarter. Now, when you type in a keyword and then select a keyword to keep in your bucket, it will show you more relevant keywords in your list of suggestions than it did before.


Etsy SEO changes 2018

Heading back over to the Comparison page, this has been updated to reflect the changes we talked about on the Keyword Search page. The look and feel of the Marmameters have been updated to give you a better picture of the performance of each of the meters. We’re still using the same colors but are now using the bars. These include ranges on each of the Marmameters. We also break down Comparison. Instead of the bars, we showed before for price breakdown, it now shows your price ranges. Also in Comparison we’ve included percent free shipping offered to the sellers origin country. If free shipping is one of the deciding factors for you as an Etsy seller when you’re picking keywords and you want to be aware of how many competing listings are offering it, you can now see this easily in the Comparison Tool. 

Popular Searches 

This used to be Trending Tags but now we’re looking at Popular Searches. Since we now have access to all this awesome Etsy search info, we wanted to share this in the best way possible which is showing you straight up what the most popular searches are on Etsy. We break this up in three different ways. Itused to be a top 10 listof trending tags, but we now have three lists for you: The most popular searches yesterday, the most popular searches last week, and the most popular searches last month. Again, these are straight from Etsy shoppers. They do not look at searches from Google, Yahoo, Bing, or anywhere else but Etsy. 

Oops, we forgot one thing

When we were reviewing the Search Page we forgot to mention one thing: The Similar Shopper Searches on Etsy. If you’re a Marmaleader from before you’ll remember that we used to show similar searches here but those came from Bing. So we would look at the keyword you typed in and would go to Bing and say “Hey what are similar keywords that people search when they search this particular keyword.” We’re no longer doing this! Now we are ONLY looking at Etsy shopper keywords! Next to each keyword in the Similar Shopper Searches on Etsy box, you’ll also see your trusty Marmameters. This is so you don’t spend time clicking on keywords that won’t work well for you and can instead choose those that will work for you. And since it’s not coming from Bing you won’t see Wal-Mart as a keyword in there anymore;)

One of the ways this feature helps you as an Etsy seller is it allows you to niche down in different areas. If you have a keyword that’s kind of generic and you’re looking for ideas on ways Etsy shoppers might be including this keyword in their search in more specific ways, this section does a great job in returning more specific examples or alternate examples of the keyword that you typed in. Feel free to play around as you do your searches for suggestions, just as you would use storm!

Final thoughts

And that’s it for this part 1! We hope this has cleared up some of your questions for now. As always, we still have the Tool Tips inside of Marmalead. These are the little questions marks scattered throughout the site and if you hover over them with your cursor, a description will pop up telling you what different functions are. You can also go to our Knowledgebase (please click HERE) where there’s more information. You can also email us at with your questions as well:) 

Happy selling, everyone!


We’ve got some big announcements for you this week! We’ve released a bunch of changes to Marmalead and we’re going to walk you step by step through all the updates. These updates definitely make Marmalead the best Etsy keyword tool for finding the best keywords! Just like Steven Tyler, you’re not gonna miss a thing. Stay tuned for part 2 of this series where we’ll do a deep dive into our biggest announcement - REAL Etsy shopper keyword search volume and why it’s the most important thing for your SEO as an Etsy seller. Stick around!

Etsy Jam Scoops

25 replies on “The Best Etsy Keyword Tool for Finding the Best Keywords for Etsy”

I am happy with the more accurate changes you did, but it is now more difficult for me to find the correct keywords, because most of them show to be red in engagement and green ib competition and don’t know which to choose. Views helped me before. I know they weren’t accurate, but comparing with numbers were very straight forward and easy.
Also, if you can turn you dark green in cypress green (I mean much darker), it would be easier to distinguish.
Lastly, I want to ask if I should use one word tags also, because some bloggers say I should add generic tags also but some say not. For example should I use both “organic face cream” and “organic” and “face cream”, or if I only use “organic face cream” I will also be found in the same degree as if I added the rest of the 2 keywords (“organic” and “face cream”) if someone searches for “organic” and “face cream”? I hope I explain what I mean…
Thank you very much!
Maria from The Eco Path

Hi Maria! Thanks for reaching out! It’s important to understand you’re now looking at the data differently. Before, you were looking at seller keywords. That means all the data that was coming back was based on keywords that sellers were applying to their listings. Now you’re looking at shopper keywords. These are the keywords that actual Etsy shoppers are typing in and engaging with. So you’re literally looking at a different dataset. That’s why the words that looked good one day, look different today. How you interpret that data is going to have to change a bit. Just because a word isn’t all green doesn’t mean you won’t be able to find success with it. You’ll have to look at the number ranges below the Marmameters and see if those are numbers you think you can have success with. If you do, then apply the keyword and don’t worry about the grading. The grade isn’t there to dictate which words you use and which you don’t. It’s there to help you see where there’s room to grow.

There are a lot of great sellers whose grades are C’s and D’s but they know exactly what’s driving the grade. For instance, they know they’re targeting words whose search and engagement ranges they’re comfortable with because they know what kind of numbers they’ve had success with in the past, so they know where to aim for success now. That’s where your shop stats can really help! Find the words that are working for you in your shop stats. Then look at the search and engagement rages for those words. Then you’ll have an idea about where your sweet spot is for your market, and you can use that as a barometer for where your words need to score moving forward.

I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking in last part of your comment about tags. But I’ll try and answer your question as I understand it. Organic Face Cream, Face Cream, and Organic are all separate searches that target different audiences. So, perhaps try running those different search phrases through the Search or Comparison tool and see which ones return search volume, engagement and competition scores you’d feel comfortable targeting. Put your strongest keyword at the front of your title and match it in your tags exactly. You can use a combination of broad and more niche keywords as long as you’re comfortable with the search, engagement and competition numbers for those words. If that’s not the answer you were looking for, feel free to reach out to us at and we’ll work to get you more info!

I get Maria’s question.

In the past, we’ve been told that if you use a longtail keyword, such as “organic face cream” as a tag, you automatically rank well for the following long&short keywords: organic face cream, face cream, organic face, organic, face, cream…ie. any keyword combinations which are directly next to each other.

And so the advice was *not* to waste your other tags by having “organic face cream”, “organic” and “face cream” as tags on the same listing (because “organic face cream” has already covered those other keywords). Unnecessary repetition.

How do you see it? Does a longtail keyword cover the short keywords which are contained within that longtail keyword, or do we need to use the longtail keyword AND all short keyword derivations of that longtail keyword? (in order to rank well for all short keywords within the longtail keyword)

I’m VERY interested to hear Marmalead’s view on this!

Thanks very much,

That is exactly what I mean, thank you Shelley! English is not my first language….sorry…As I understand Jade says they are different and I should include them if I am comfortable with them, but if it is not necessary as other sellers say, then I don’t want to waste my tags…Waiting for an answer also.

Hi Shelley! Thank you for clarifying for me 🙂 Just so we’re both on the same page, I need to reiterate again that rank is no longer applicable because of contextualized search results. I think what you mean by rank is “visibility”. So yes – if your tag is “organic face cream” and it appears in your title that same way, your listing will be considered for subsets of that keyword like ‘face cream’ and ‘cream’. But let’s pretend a shopper searches ‘face cream’ – if another listing has ‘face cream’ as a tag (and in its title) it will have a better chance of appearing earlier in search than a listing with ‘organic face cream’ as a tag because ‘face cream’ would be an exact match for that shopper’s search. So, while an ‘organic face cream’ listing will be considered, it may not get as many views for the sub-searches like ‘face cream’ – depending on the quantity of those searches, the engagement, and the competition. It’s up to you if you think it’s valuable enough to use a tag to try to be a stronger target for ‘face cream’ in addition to ‘organic face cream’. Hope that helps both you and Maria find more clarity 🙂

Thank you so much Jade! I got the answer I needed!
Despite of appreciating the news changes, I hope you make your filters more specific to show us in more detail which words are better than others clarifying with numbers. Views per week in actual searches would be great. I will come back when I can easily choose the words, because now most are the same… Just an honest feedback! Really thank you for answering all my questions!

Hi Jade,

I have an additional question along these same lines, please. If you want to target ‘organic face cream’ and ‘face cream’ for visibility, is either one of these sets of tags better than the other?

1. organic, face cream
2. organic face cream, face cream

Thanks in advance for responding!

Kind regards,

Thank you very much Jade! I will get more comfortable with the new version of Marmalead as time goes by! Shelly explained very well what I meant, so I will wait to see what you will answer to her.
And also, could you make your dark green darker, cause I cannot distinguish it easily from light green. I mean the colors in the bars…
Thank you!
The Eco Path

You’re very welcome! I did answer Shelley’s question as well so I hope that helps you find more clarity! Also, I will pass along your suggestion about the color change 🙂

I spent all weekend changing the titles & tags for my month old shop. I got 8 favorites within 24 hours. Super surprised & hope to continue in this positive direction. Thank you soooooo much!

That’s fantastic! We’re SO excited to hear this! Thank you for reaching out and happy selling 🙂

I’ve just recently learned how to do my SEO on my listings. I’ve used Marmalead as a way to help me understand where I may find myself in the rankings and being found. As somewhat of a beginner on this stuff, I just want to know if I can continue to do what I’ve been doing, which is review the info provided on the key words I am researching to determine which ones to use. This all sounds great, but I was still kinda learning the last version. Any insight would be great!
by the way, since learning SEO with Marmalead I have had an increase of traffic, but some of my grades haven’t been so great.
Thank you!

Hi Regina! Thanks for reaching out!

With this update, understanding that you can have success with lower scoring words (especially for niche sellers who know their views and engagement numbers will be lower) is important. Also, understanding that your grades aren’t the driving factor behind your sales. They’re just indicators of where you can improve if you need to. There are a lot of great sellers whose grades are C’s and D’s but they know exactly what’s driving the grade, but they know they’re targeting words whose search and engagement ranges they’re comfortable with.

Find the words that are working for you in your shop stats. Then look at the search and engagement rages for those words. Then you’ll have an idea about where your sweet spot is for your market, and you can use that as a barometer for where your words need to score moving forward.

Thanks so much for these great changes, and even more so for the wonderful explanation of how it all works. Regarding photo score, is it possible to find out how our own photos rank in this regard?

If this has been answered elsewhere, I apologize. 🙂

Kind regards,
Jill @chameleongoods

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