Etsy How-to

5 Ways to Make Your Shop More Successful

Etsy is unique because it gathers some of the world’s most crafty and creative minds. Running an Etsy shop can be a great way to make your entrepreneurial spirit shine, earn additional income, and use your creativity and love of art to make others feel joy.

Whether you’re considering creating your first Etsy shop, or you’re already a seasoned seller, here are a few ways you can make your shop more successful and increase your revenue on the platform.

Make it Look Professional

Though you may sell an excellent product, you want your page to look as professional as possible. First impressions are everything, and when it comes to selling your item, you want to make that first glance count. If you’re first starting out, invest in your business. Purchase a quality camera to take beautiful photos of your items. It doesn’t have to be an outrageously expensive model, but your buyers can’t see your product in front of them on Etsy. Therefore a quality picture is all they have when deciding whether to buy or not. Consider also investing in flat lay backdrops, lights, and editing software to create accurate and stunning images of your items. And if that sounds like a bit too much for you, there are plenty of professional product photographers available for hire. Having top notch photos is extremely important.

Pay attention to your banner. You can optimize your traffic and increase your level of professionalism by listing any social media profiles or external sites on there. This way, your customers can keep up with you on Instagram or Pinterest, so you’re always on their mind. When creating your banner, design something fun that gives off the same vibe as your online shop. You can use Photoshop, or even something as easy to use as Canva. Don’t get too crazy with text – you’ll want to keep it simple overall so it’s an easy read for your shoppers.

Lastly, don’t neglect your profile photo. Leaving this blank can make you seem untrustworthy and potentially keep customers away. Use a clear headshot, one where you are facing the camera and wearing nice clothes, for the best profile picture. Some people may feel a bit apprehensive about putting their face out there but shoppers are really looking to verify that they’re purchasing from an actual person and some virtual facetime goes a long way to help establish that.

Understand Your Target Market

Show your audience that you understand their wants and needs. In order to do this, you need to understand YOUR shoppers’ demographics and interests. If you sell mainly to moms over 40, odds are you can find them primarily on sites like Pinterest. If you have a younger demographic, try to market your brand on platforms like Instagram and Twitter.

Connect with your growing audience. Answer messages straight away and always reply to comments and ratings, thanking your customers for their time. You also want to keep your audience engaged through a newsletter or social media posts. Your buyers are more likely to buy from you again if they feel like they know you and trust you.

Raise your Prices

It may feel tempting when you’re first starting out to undercharge, but don’t sell yourself short and know your worth! If you’re worried about scaring away customers with higher prices, you might be surprised to learn that more expensive items are viewed as being “higher end” than the less costly version. A higher price communicates higher value to shoppers – something that most people on Etsy are interested in. The only exception to this rule, are sellers who have recently raised their prices. However, if it’s been over a year, it’s time to reevaluate. Keep in mind, no business has ever raised their prices too high and have had to call it quits. 😉

Cross Promote Products in Secondary Photos

Your main photo should contain the item up for sale, but take advantage of the secondary shot and do some extra advertising for your other products. For instance, if you sell jewelry and find two pieces look exceptional together, style them next to each other in the secondary photos. This can potentially boost your sales and prove that you truly have an eye for detail.

Suggest Add Ons

Lastly, suggest add ons to your customers. If someone is purchasing an item from your shop, they are already hooked. Combine their original purchase with another that will enhance the usability of both items. This would be like someone selling a pair of shoes and adding an extra pair of laces for a discounted rate. Remember to note this deal in your description and photos for all your customers to see.

Go Find Success!

Etsy is an incredible platform that allows creative vendors to start their own business from the comfort of their own home. If you want to find success on the site, make sure to keep these tips in mind. They are applicable, whether you’re first starting out, or have been selling for years.


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5 replies on “5 Ways to Make Your Shop More Successful”

Lots of good ideas here! Secondary shots with other products… nice idea. I hadn’t thought of that yet. The add on suggestion is also good too. Good ideas that anyone can incorporate today! Thanks for the reminder that there is always room for improvement,

Thanks, Natalia! Etsy also allows setting up a purchase minimum for free shipping to encourage shoppers to purchase more than one product in their order. Best of luck and thanks for sharing! 🙂

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