With Spring only two days away here in our little corner of the world, we’ve got Spring Cleaning on the brain. We’re ready to throw open the doors and windows, allowing that fresh air to sweep through our home! Personally, there’s a lot to be done in my house. This got me to thinking (of course) about Etsy sellers and what you can do as an Etsy seller to help “spring clean” your shop and find more Etsy shop success!
1.) New images, new shop
If you’ve been using the same photography, now might be the time to switch it up a bit. Creating new visuals for your shop with bright lighting and airy colors could be exactly where you need to start in sprucing up your shop. If your backgrounds and props have been reflecting the autumn and winter seasons, usher in flowers and spring colors if applicable. Of course, as always, you want to stay true to your brand and the story you’re telling, so whatever that is, think of a new, fresh take on your photos to liven things up.
2.) Dust off your brand
Speaking of staying true to your brand, how is it doing anyway? When was the last time you took some time to sit down and look it over? Is it everything you want it to be? Are you communicating the story you want your brand to tell? If these are things you haven’t even thought of then you’ll definitely want to check out our article on branding and design. If you have a brand currently, but have been meaning to rework it, set some time aside to tackle this project while things might be a little slower and before more holidays head your way.
3.) Polish up your copy
And speaking of using the correct voice that’s in line with your brand, how’s your copy doing over all? Are your descriptions everything they should be? Have you seen little mistakes here and there, but haven’t gotten around to correcting them? Break out the word windex and get to work polishing them up! And while you’re at it, make sure your titles are what they should be as well. If you haven’t been writing your titles in a way that make it easy for shoppers and search engines to find you (hint, hint…that’s SEO folks!), you need to be.
4.) Scrub your pricing off
Alright, we know it can be hard to figure out where products should be priced. We offer lots of pricing info in Marmalead, so get in there and start doing some pricing research! Pricing can shift regularly in any given market, so staying on top of this is important for you as a seller. Make sure you’re in the right price range to stay competitive but to also ensure that you’re receiving what your product and time are worth. Remember, cheaper is not always better. If you’re priced too low, you risk shoppers moving on to something they think is higher quality. Don’t undersell yourself and your products. But take the time to understand the pricing landscape in your market.
5.) Sweep off your About page
Has it been a hot minute since you took a broom to this area of your shop and swept out all the old info? If so, now is the time to update! Having an up to date About page that’s interesting and personal will help shoppers create an emotional connection with you as a seller. Having your story there in a professional yet personal way will engage your buyers and create a more human (vs. digital) experience. Remember, shoppers on Etsy are looking for a personal experience, otherwise they’d be shopping at Target. Allowing them in on a little more of who you are and how your shop came to be is a perfect way to deliver this experience to them.
6.) Create a new product line/listings
If you’re not doing this regularly, this is definitely something that needs to be on your schedule! In fact, we’ve got an entire article dedicated to posting listings regularly that you should check out! If you’re not ready to launch a new product line soon, now is a great time to start brainstorming. Or, maybe tackling an entire line seems daunting and instead, deciding to create and post three new listings a month is where you should start. Whatever it is, be sure you’re creating and adding new listings to your shop on the regular. Plus, the awesome bonus of adding listings regularly to your shop is an SEO boost! Gotta love that!
7.) Cleaning up your shop policies
Having clear shop policies is SO important. If it’s been a little while since you reviewed them, take the time to make sure you’ve covered everything you need to. This ensures that your customers have clear expectations of what will happen when they purchase from you. If you happened to run into an issue(s) over the busy Christmas season that you hadn’t covered in your policies, sit down and add that in now. Also, reviewing feedback from past customers will help in creating new policies and modifying old ones. Most importantly, staying on top of your shop policies ensures that you’re protected in the event that something goes slightly south with a buyer. This will give you peace of mind in the event that an issue
A little something extra just for you
If you’re a list lover like I am and want to have our tips for spring cleaning your shop to print out and check off, I’ve designed a list you can download below!
Click here to download our spring cleaning list!

What are some ways you plan on cleaning up your Etsy shop for spring? Let us know in the comments below!