The Jam

How To Take Amazing Etsy Product Photos That Will Get You Sales

What would you say if I told you someone had a recipe to make sure your listing photos were on point for maximum sales? Well, someone does! And her name is AIDA. Continue reading to learn what AIDA is and to find even more Etsy shop success!

Marmalife Posts

6 Tips To Keep A Positive Attitude At Work

You’re an Etsy seller and you work from home. While you may not actually get up and go into an office (we don’t either) that doesn’t mean that you’re not affected by having to “go to work”. You still very much, go to work. Even if that means up the hall or working from your […]

The Jam

Branding And Design For Your Etsy Shop

When’s the last time you thought about how your shop’s design and branding is appearing to your customers? It’s an important thing to revisit every now and then. In this episode of The Jam, our very own Jade takes us through some important steps to make sure your design is on point! This will help […]

Etsy How-to

Etsy Shop Summer Collection Planning

Is it crazy to anyone else that it’s almost May? Before we know it, Spring will be behind us and we’ll be in full summer mode! It’s true that things are probably a lot different than any of us thought they would be at this point. But despite the differences, it’s time to start looking […]