Business Life

Is Pattern by Etsy Worth It? Or Should Etsy Lay It to Bed?

If you’ve been an Etsy seller for any length of time, you’ve probably heard of their standalone website builder, Pattern by Etsy. But is Pattern by Etsy worth it? Or should Etsy just lay it to bed? SharePinTweetShare3 Shares

Business Life

I Received A Bad Review on Etsy… Now What?

No news is good news, as the old adage goes. But what happens when you do get news – and that news is bad? More specifically, what happens when you get a bad review on Etsy? It’s a bit of a disappointment, for starters. It’s unexpected, and it can feel like a real kick in the […]

Business Life

The 7 Habits ALL Top Sellers on Etsy Have in Common

Have you ever asked yourself, what are the top sellers on Etsy? Are they craft sellers? Jewelry sellers? Surely, they have a big production line and aren’t simple husband and wife Etsy sellers, right? What makes them one of the best Etsy shops on the marketplace? Well, one thing is for sure, the top sellers […]

Business Life

Will Smith Slap & Etsy Copyright Infringement

Etsy copyright infringement is a finicky thing. Copyright laws themselves are confusing at best, but Etsy’s take on what plagiarism is and isn’t only makes the area murkier. To make matters worse, copyright laws vary from state to state and country to country. SharePinTweetShare2 Shares