Etsy SEO

Etsy Traffic Stats You NEED To Pay Attention To

When it comes to your online business, who wouldn’t want more traffic on Etsy? That’s because more traffic means more success, right? Well, not exactly. In general, traffic is important. But what’s more important is knowing your Etsy traffic stats and what they mean. So, let’s look at the traffic stats worth paying attention to. […]

Etsy SEO

What Is a Good Conversion Rate on Etsy & How to Land More Sales

Want to know what a good conversion rate on Etsy is? Well, you’re in the right place. This article will look at Etsy conversion rates, general eCommerce rates, and show you some lesser-known things you can do to improve the conversion rate in your Etsy shop.  SharePinTweetShare3 Shares

Etsy SEO

Most Popular Keywords on Etsy in 2023 (so far)

Popular keywords on Etsy present an opportunity to sellers! Using the most popular keywords on Etsy can make or break your Etsy shop when you’re just starting out or trying to grow. So, if you want to know what keywords to use and how to use them, you’re in the right place. SharePinTweetShare11 Shares

Etsy SEO

Etsy SEO Changes in 2022 | Listing Descriptions

Etsy recently announced some SEO changes for 2022 that are sure to affect the way your listings rank in search. Your keywords have always been important, but now the way you use them is more important than ever. Don’t freak out. Here’s what you need to know. SharePinTweetShare9 Shares