Etsy How-to With a Twist

Taking the Perfect Etsy Listing Photo

The perfect Etsy listing photo demands the attention of interested shoppers while showcasing your product in all its glory. With one simple product thumbnail, you can paint a picture of your brand and inspire action in your Etsy shop. In short, a better listing photo will help you sell more products.

With a Twist

Does Your Listing Price Affect Etsy’s Algorithm?

Your listing price can make or break a potential sale – but does price affect Etsy’s algorithm? If you price your products too high, how will the algorithm react? Or if your products are priced too low, will the algorithm show your listings to more shoppers? Let’s take a look!

With a Twist

A Great Etsy Listing Starts With the Right Etsy Categories

Have you ever wondered what Etsy has to say about choosing the right Etsy categories for your listings? Well, if you have, that’s exactly what we’re discussing today, along with sharing a fun little drink recipe that Jade has been enjoying over the last couple of weeks. So stick around, sit back and enjoy this […]