Happy New Year to our wonderful Marmalead community! A new decade is here and we’re excited to start fresh in the new year! With all the newness here, we also have your first-quarter free desktop & mobile calendars available for download💃🏼
Starting Fresh
With the new year ahead of you, now is the time to really take advantage of the downtime after the holiday craziness you may have experienced in your Etsy shop. Be sure to designate some time to let your mind and body recover and to gently enter back into the fray of the new year! It’s awesome to write goals for your shop, but be sure to write down some goals that will help your mental and physical clarity as well. Been wanting to drink more water? Write it down! Want to start meditating or praying more? Schedule that time into your week now. Making sure you’re healthy and balanced will ensure you have an amazing year in your shop! Remember, a healthy seller equals a healthy shop.
Goals, goals, goals
We’ve definitely said this before, but we’ll say it many, many more times: write down your shop goals. Be intentional in what you want to accomplish in your shop for the year. Breaking it down is always helpful as well. Pick a few big goals to aim for, then under each big goal, write down smaller goals that will help you achieve the larger ones. Focusing on smaller steps that are attainable will really help you to not become overwhelmed and will propel you in more ways than you can imagine toward your larger goals!
Check-in with yourself
As you’re planning out your new year, consider checking in with yourself at least a couple times this year, if not quarterly. Ask yourself how you’re doing mentally and physically first. Do you need to make some changes or adjustments? If so, make them and continue onward! Also, be sure to reevaluate where you’re at goal wise. How are the small steps coming? Did some other steps pop up that you didn’t know you’d need to tackle at the beginning of the year? No problem! Add them to your smaller goals and restructure what you need to accomplish in order to reach your larger goals.
Remember, writing goals down at the beginning of the year does NOT mean that the original plan has to be set in stone. Being flexible and willing to rethink where you’re at and what you need to do to accomplish what you want will only benefit you in the long run!
Be gentle with your progress
It’s important to remember NOT to beat yourself up if things are not going as planned. The only certain thing about life is its unpredictability. More than likely, your year will not go exactly the way you thought, but that’s absolutely 100% ok! Life is an adventure and while it’s awesome to have a plan, knowing that you’re not in control of the entire thing and letting go where you can will truly help you to refocus and stay on track.
If you didn’t accomplish everything you wanted to by the end of January, that’s ok! Refocus, give yourself grace, and keep moving ahead. If you spend a ton of energy berating yourself for what you didn’t accomplish, this will only hinder your forward progress for the rest of the year. You deserve grace from yourself just as much as everyone around you deserves it!
Marmalead has exciting things ahead!
Along with your new goals, we have some exciting and fun goals for our community as well! Look out for an announcement about our new Jams coming your way VERY soon! We’re SO excited to create fresh content for all of you and we’re grateful to be walking this Etsy SEO journey with you. Let’s all remember to throw kindness around like confetti this year and to be gracious with those around us whenever possible. We’re all in this thing together, and we’re honored you’re allowing us into this small piece of your lives!
So, here’s to a new decade and to each of you! Happy selling in 2020, everyone!

Desktop Calendar | iPhone Calendar | iPhone Wallpaper

Printable Calendar

Desktop Calendar | iPhone Calendar | iPhone Wallpaper

Printable Calendar

Desktop Calendar | iPhone Calendar | iPhone Wallpaper

Printable Calendar
6 replies on “Q1 2020 Free Desktop Calendars”
Great tips! Useful information. Thank you guys!!
Thank you for reading!🍊
Thanks so much for the fresh tips! I especially LOVE what you said, “Let’s all remember to throw kindness around like confetti this year and to be gracious with those around us whenever possible.” I hope to apply that to every encounter this year.
Thank you for reading! And yes, we’re always searching for kindness around us and love it when our community does as well! Thank you for being part of it🧡🍊
Why are the calendars only for iphone? Or am I missing something here??
Hi Kari! You can definitely use the mobile calendar on whatever phone you have, you just might need to do a bit of resizing! I’m not sure what device you have, but it might fit great on yours as well, just give it a try🍊🧡