Etsy How-to

How to Convince Shoppers to Purchase

The market is saturated with products, so you must do your best to set yourself apart from your competition. You have to give shoppers something valuable that fills a need, so they will choose to purchase from your store instead of your competitors. What can you do to stand out and convince shoppers to buy […]

Marmalife Posts

Staying Positive When Friends & Family Don’t Support Your Etsy Shop

We often hear Etsy sellers talk about how those around them may not be very supportive of their Etsy business. But, what should you do if you’re currently dealing with unsupportive friends or family in your own life? What if they don’t support your Etsy shop? More than anything, we want to encourage you that […]

The Jam

Why Am I Failing At Etsy and How Do I Move Forward?

How do you feel when you fail? Does it set you back for a while? Are you super eager to bounce back and move on to the next thing? Today, we’re talking about failure. How to recover from it and how to use it as a tool for growth so you can find even more […]

Etsy How-to

5 Ways to Make Your Shop More Successful

Etsy is unique because it gathers some of the world’s most crafty and creative minds. Running an Etsy shop can be a great way to make your entrepreneurial spirit shine, earn additional income, and use your creativity and love of art to make others feel joy. Whether you’re considering creating your first Etsy shop, or […]