Marmalife Posts

Have Courage and Be Kind Because You Can

November thirteenth was World Kindness Day. Of all the strange and weird “national whatever” days that I keep hearing about, this one is worth not only celebrating but remembering. It’s something we’re super passionate about around here at Marmalead. In a world that can often seem unkind and divided, we need to remember just how […]

Etsy Jam

Facebook Live Craft Shows with Meg and Beth from SirWinslowsZoo

Are you making the most of Facebook Live? This week’s Jam is an awesome and unique conversation we had in beautiful Las Vegas during the 2018 Flourish Fusion conference. Richie and I had the pleasure of speaking with Meg and Beth from SirWinslowsZoo about their creative products and very unique use of Facebook Live which […]

Success Stories

Etsy Success Story with Marmalead – Darkhorse Gifts

Etsy SEO

Free Shipping on Etsy Explained Using new Marmalead Tools

Lately, everyone has an opinion about shipping…and that’s because free shipping has been all the buzz on Etsy since they released their Etsy SEO guide revealing that free and low-cost shipping are favored in search results. Some folks say it makes a difference, other folks beg to differ. But at the end of the day, […]