Dalia from The Handmade Mastermind joins us this week to do a deep dive into all things Pinterest. Hear from a six-figure Etsy seller and coach about how to leverage Pinterest for your online shop. Dalia talks about how to best set up your account, what content to pin, how to measure if you’re winning, […]

The first day of Autumn in the U.S. was just a couple of days ago! Bring on the plethora of PSL’s and in general, all things pumpkin! Also, how’d we arrive here so quickly?! I know I can’t be the only one who thinks it’s crazy we’re only three months out from the Holiday season. […]
Etsy SEO Changes 2018

Etsy SEO Changes 2018 is here! Etsy has just released a shiny new SEO guide. In this jam, we cover three key takeaways from this guide and what they mean to you as an Etsy seller. We also discuss changes to Marmalead to help you maximize Etsy’s new suggestions and get ahead of your competition. […]