Etsy Jam

Long Tail Keywords for Etsy Sellers – What You Need to Know

Today we’re talking in depth about long tail keywords for Etsy sellers. We cover questions like What exactly are long tail keywords? Why should I use them in my shop? How do I find good long tail keywords and how do I apply them to my listings? Stick around for some sweet long tail goodness […]

Success Stories

Etsy Success Stories with Marmalead – Michelle

Etsy Jam

Etsy Shop Success Tricks: Doing Less to Get More

How would you like to reach your business goals FASTER by doing LESS? This is exactly what we are talking about today. We’re going to help you make sure your business isn’t flying in circles but instead heading straight for the sweet destination you intend to reach. We want your Etsy shop success to be […]

Etsy SEO

Does Etsy Rank Make A Difference For Your Shop?

Etsy rank and why it’s been so frustrating! Today we’re going to take an in-depth look at ranking on Etsy. “Where do I rank?” Why am I not ranking on the first or second pages?” and “Why doesn’t Marmalead tell me where I rank or what page number I’m on anymore?” These are just a few […]