Etsy SEO

The New & Improved Quick and Dirty Guide to SEO for Etsy

There are many guides and articles out there to help you perfect your SEO for Etsy, but none have as long of a name as this one 😄

The Jam

Is It Long Tail? A Game Show for Etsy Long Tail Keywords

Today we’re playing by different rules on the Jam! Stick around for the hot new game show for Etsy long tail keywords, where contestants try to answer the question, “Is It Long Tail?” 

The Jam

Copying Etsy Tags and Titles Gone Wrong

It may seem like a fantastic shortcut to copy the tags and titles from a competitor’s listings, but today we’re going to talk about why copying Etsy tags is a terrible idea. Stick around and save yourself some pain on this episode of the Jam. 

Etsy How-to

How to Research Etsy Keywords

To find the best and most relevant keywords for your Etsy shop, you must first know how to research Etsy keywords. With a little thoughtful research and the right set of tools, you can be sure that you’ll grow your business, get more sales, and simply make more profit.