The Jam

Commit Yourself to Etsy Success with our SWEAT Pledge

Pledges and affirmations can be powerful things. In this episode, we take one of our favorite pledges and make it especially relevant to your Etsy success and the e-commerce space.

The Jam

Pricing on Etsy – The Ultimate Guide

You may have heard of market-based pricing and cost-plus pricing, but which one is a better method of pricing on Etsy? Which should you be using in your shop to make sure that you’re not leaving money on the table and you’re covering all your costs? That’s exactly what we’re covering in this episode of the Jam! 

The Jam

How to Make Money with Cost-Plus Pricing for Etsy

Are you covering all your expenses in your prices? At the end of the day, when you make a sale, are you covering all your trips to the post office and all those other little things that go into your time and energy that you spend on your products? In this episode of the Jam, […]

The Jam

The Truth About Market-Based Pricing on Etsy

Are your products priced correctly? Are you missing out on sales because your prices are either too high or too low? How do you know if customers see your products as high-end or bargain-bin? Well, in this episode of the Jam, we take a look at market-based pricing on Etsy!