The Jam

How to Get Featured on Etsy and Get Your Listings Noticed

With over four million sellers on Etsy, it can be challenging to get your listings noticed by shoppers. A fantastic way to get noticed is to get featured on Etsy in their own marketing materials! But how in the world do you make that happen? Well, today on The Jam, that’s exactly what we’re going […]

Marmalife Posts

Why Having a Hobby Outside of Etsy is Important

Owning and operating an Etsy shop can be all-consuming. In general, being an entrepreneur often feels this way. Because of how consuming our work can be, it’s important to maintain a healthy work-life balance. It is SO easy to work around the clock, answering DMs, packaging products, creating new products, and working on your Etsy […]

Etsy Jam

Comparing Similar Etsy Tags | Episode 2

Would you rather be a millionaire stranded on a deserted island? Or make a modest living surrounded by friends and family? Well, today on the Jam we’re comparing similar Etsy tags to help you understand our mindset when it comes to Etsy SEO. Are you ready for another episode of everyone’s second-favorite SEO game, “Would You Rather?” Then […]

The Jam

Etsy SEO vs. Amazon SEO – How To WIN

Confused about Amazon SEO? Curious about how it’s different from Google or Etsy SEO? Today on the Jam, Dalia Abdalla joins us to share five Amazon SEO tips that work every time. Stick around!