The Jam

Side Hustle To Full-Time Etsy Seller In 3 months – Carly From Pendantplacestore

In this episode, Gordon and Richie chat with Carly from Pendantplacestore! Carly took her shop from being a side hustle to full-time Etsy seller in just three months after consistently using Marmalead every day! We can’t wait for you to hear Carly’s story and we hope you are as inspired and encouraged as we were […]

Marmalife Posts

Easy Tips For Improving Your Mental And Physical Health

As an Etsy seller, it can be really easy to justify working constantly, especially if you’re building a new shop. Maybe you’re trying to leave your 9-5. It could be you just took the leap and are now full time with your shop! Or, maybe you’re a seasoned seller and the orders just don’t stop […]

The Jam

Etsy Holiday Planning for 2020

As an Etsy seller, it’s almost never too early to start doing your holiday planning!  Sales begin ramping up in October, so it’s smart to have your listings teed up in September, and your materials stocked up even before that! Today we cover some key things you’ll want to know about Holiday prep for your […]

Marmalife Posts

Staying Positive When Friends & Family Don’t Support Your Etsy Shop

We often hear Etsy sellers talk about how those around them may not be very supportive of their Etsy business. But, what should you do if you’re currently dealing with unsupportive friends or family in your own life? What if they don’t support your Etsy shop? More than anything, we want to encourage you that […]