Etsy Shop Fitness Calculator

Etsy Shop Fitness Calculator Results

Etsy Shop Fitness Calculator Results broken down into 6 different sections of an infographic

We introduced the Etsy Shop Fitness Calculator on January 18th and have been delighted with the number of sellers who have engaged with it! In just under a week, we had over a thousand Etsy sellers run their shops through the tool. In the infographic above, we’ve broken down the results from other Etsy shops so you can better understand where you stack up! If you’re not a fan of infographics, here’s a quick breakdown of the Etsy Shop Fitness Calculator Results:

Etsy Shop Fitness Calculator Results

  • 1096 shops scored their fitness in the FIRST WEEK!
  • 172 Shops scored their fitness more than once.
  • The most times a single shop scored its fitness was 7.
  • The average seller conversion rate (orders / views) is 1.11%.
  • The average number of orders a shop fulfills in a year is 311.
  • The highest number of (verified) orders in a year is 12,436.
  • The average shop has 158 active listings.
  • The highest number of (verified) active listings is 2,281.
  • The average number of views a listing gets in one week is 44.6.
  • The highest number of views a listing got in a week was 1,252.

If you haven’t already, put your shop through the Etsy Shop Fitness Calculator and see how you stack up!

16 replies on “Etsy Shop Fitness Calculator Results”

Your stats show that the average seller conversion rate is 1.11% (orders divided by views). I assume that means only the shops that have submitted for the “shop fitness calculator” are being factored into your number. If I submit, I’ll blow your statistics to pieces. My conversion rate is a tiny fraction of that number.

Am I correct or does that number actually reflect Etsy as a whole?

A true conversion rate is sales / visitors… not sales / views. Lets say one visitor views 100 pages in a shop (which could include listings, About page, policies, etc.) before purchasing, another views 20 and doesn’t purchase, and another eight view just one page and don’t purchase. If they were the only 10 visitors that day (not necessarily realistic, but just for the sake of this example), the conversion rate would be 10% (1 sale /10 visitors). Using views instead would calculate it as .8% (1 sale /128 page views). But a .8% conversion rate really means that an average of 8 visitors out of 1,000 converted to a sale. Not even close to this scenario. (And potentially very discouraging to a shop owner when comparing to average ecommerce conversion rates!)

Having Google Analytics set up is really the best way to get a clearer picture of conversion rate since you can at least track visitor counts there. But even that isn’t ideal since Etsy doesn’t insert Google Analytics code in the places that really matter for tracking conversion.

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