Etsy How-to

How to Manage Multiple Etsy Shops

So you’ve set up your first Etsy shop, and sales are coming in nicely. But now you’ve got a new idea for a product and you’re getting the itch to repeat your success. Well, here’s the question you need to ask yourself: Can you seriously manage multiple Etsy shops, and are you up for the […]

Etsy SEO

Etsy SEO Changes in 2022 | Listing Descriptions

Etsy recently announced some SEO changes for 2022 that are sure to affect the way your listings rank in search. Your keywords have always been important, but now the way you use them is more important than ever. Don’t freak out. Here’s what you need to know.

Etsy How-to

Understanding Your Etsy Target Audience & How to Sell Them

You can speak to your buyers much more effectively when you understand your Etsy target audience. Alternatively, if you don’t know who you’re selling to, you won’t know how to speak to them. Follow these tips to understand your buyer demographic on Etsy.

Monthly Checklists

June Etsy Shop Checklist 2022

Here at Marmalead, we strive to give you tools to help you with your Etsy SEO. But we also want to provide helpful tools for your shop in general, especially ones that help you dial in your Etsy shop goals! That’s why we’re excited to release the June 2022 Etsy shop checklist! And as always, […]