Etsy How-to

Will false hearts make Etsy search break up with you?

The question, “if an item gets a lot of views and hearts and doesn’t sell it will lose relevancy in Etsy search?” has been asked many times in many ways. The answer? It depends. Background There’s a lot of noise in the how does Etsy search work space. Maybe you’ve heard of click parties aka […]

Etsy How-to

Products That Stand Out in a Crowd

This post is about products that stand out in a crowd of similar products, and I couldn’t think of a better real life example than the wine section of the grocery store. First a little background. I like red wine. The end… just kidding. The truth is we appreciate red wine, and also not enough to […]

Etsy How-to Etsy SEO

The Buckets Strategy

Yes, we’ve talked about it a lot. We mention it in different groups, in blogs, in our emails, and even in our webinars! What is this buckets strategy all about and how do you use it? Think of keywords as markets. Every search is really a market. I like to take it a step further […]

Etsy How-to

4 Elements of an Excellent Product Photo

Selling online has become very popular as a way to market everything from yard sale treasures to family collections. There is nothing that will make or break a sale faster than the product photo you list with it. This is the only look your prospective customer will have at your product and an out of […]