Etsy SEO

Etsy Search Updates – January 2016

Prepare for another batch of Etsy search updates! It seems like just yesterday we heard from the Etsy search team that they were placing a higher priority on listings located in the same country or region as the shopper. After doing this, they discovered that overall it helped more people make more purchases. This was the […]

Etsy How-to Etsy SEO

The Buckets Strategy

Yes, we’ve talked about it a lot. We mention it in different groups, in blogs, in our emails, and even in our webinars! What is this buckets strategy all about and how do you use it? Think of keywords as markets. Every search is really a market. I like to take it a step further […]

Etsy SEO

Etsy SEO – Marmalead vs Google Keyword Planner

Etsy SEO can be confusing. Many Etsy sellers have turned to tools like Google’s Keyword Planner for help in finding which search terms shoppers engage with. Over the past 6 months, we have been running a study to collect actual search terms from actual Etsy shoppers. This is an important first step in developing Marmalead […]

Etsy How-to Etsy SEO

The Quick and Dirty Guide to Finding Great Etsy Keywords with Marmalead

** This article doesn’t contain the most recent information about Etsy search. For the most relevant info, head over to our Marmalead Help site! ** We’ve been getting a bunch of questions from our users lately asking; “How does someone incorporate the data given by Marmalead to their shops?” AND “How can I use Marmalead […]