How much can you make on Etsy? Well, it depends on how much effort you’re willing to put in. If you plan to use Etsy as a side gig, you’ll likely only make side gig money. But if you treat Etsy like a business, you could wind up quitting your day job and start selling […]
No news is good news, as the old adage goes. But what happens when you do get news—and that news is bad? More specifically, what happens when you get a bad review on Etsy? It’s a bit of a disappointment, for starters. It’s unexpected and can feel like a real kick in the gut. Especially after […]
Do you need a business license to sell on Etsy? If you’re asking yourself this question, you’re probably wondering about taxes and what you need to do to stay legal and ensure the IRS doesn’t come knocking on your door.
Are you struggling to get more sales on Etsy? Whether you’re a veteran or a newbie, there are loads of reasons why your sales aren’t where you want them to be. For most cases of dropped or stagnant sales, the solution is to simplify. That doesn’t mean you need to go back to square one, […]