Etsy How-to

How to Build a Thriving Etsy Business in the Post-COVID Era

To build a thriving Etsy business post-COVID, you need to stay steadfast and resilient in the face of uncertainty. Three years after the onset of a global pandemic, many of us are still on the path to recovery. While the world grapples with the looming concerns of a potential economic crash, it’s small businesses like […]

Business Life

10 Essential Strategies Followed by ALL Successful Etsy Sellers

Etsy has revolutionized the world of creative entrepreneurship, providing a platform for passionate individuals to turn their projects into profitable ventures. However, becoming a successful Etsy seller requires strategic thinking and a focused approach. To help you maximize your potential, we’ve compiled a list of key mistakes to avoid. Embrace these insights to refresh your […]

Etsy SEO

Etsy Traffic Stats You NEED To Pay Attention To

When it comes to your online business, who wouldn’t want more traffic on Etsy? That’s because more traffic means more success, right? Well, not exactly. In general, traffic is important. But what’s more important is knowing your Etsy traffic stats and what they mean. So, let’s look at the traffic stats worth paying attention to.

The Jam

Etsy Sales Slow? Start Doing These 10 Things

Like all retail, your Etsy sales will slow down for one season or another. But rather than crossing your fingers and hoping for more sales, here’s what you should do before things pick up.