Etsy How-to

Etsy-nomics and Covid-19

Join us for a quick dive into a little positive outlook from Etsy CEO Josh Silverman. It’s not all bad news out there, in fact, it’s far from it! With shops pivoting to making masks and people turning more and more to online shopping, there is a positive outlook for you to find Etsy shop […]


Q2 2020 Free Desktop Calendars

Is it just us, or did the last three months feel like 10 years?! Man, what a crazy three months we’ve had, but we’re thankful and grateful to have made it here with our Marmalead community! In honor of us all making it through, we’ve got your second-quarter free desktop & mobile calendars available for […]

The Jam

Help! My Etsy Shop Sales Are Down!

We recorded this episode of The Jam back in December, before all the craziness with COVID-19 hit the world full force. With everything that’s happened in the last couple of weeks, we feel it’s more relevant now than ever. However, we deeply understand that these are uncertain times for everyone and that we’re all in […]

Etsy How-to

How to GET MORE SALES on Etsy FAST: LESSON 5 – Clean Your Junk

We’ve got an awesome free five-part mini-series happening over the next few days and we couldn’t be more excited about it! Our friend Dave from AddToCart and WoodlandZen has so much wisdom and helpful info when it comes to selling on Etsy and he is about to hit you with some of that awesomeness! We’ve had Dave on The Jam […]