Business Life

The Power of Self Talk

We all do it, whether you realize it or not. That voice in your head that either pushes your forward or holds you back. What is self-talk? Having positive self talk is essential to your well being and success. Think about the words you’re using in your own head. Is the system unfair? Are you […]

Business Life

Free is a Race to Zero

Free is a race to zero. A zero sum game. You can only save as much as you spend then you’re stuck. Growth is unlimited. Creating is the answer. Reducing is the opposite of creating. A little background, on Episode 22: Greed Part 2 of Etsy Jam, I went on to discuss how free is […]

Etsy Jam

Etsy Jam Episode 25: Dalia from Etsy Seller Mastermind

In this episode, we talk with Dalia from The Handmade Mastermind – formerly known as Etsy Seller Mastermind. She covers a TON of great topics like how she handles planning, how she feels about Amazon Handmade, important lessons she’s learned from her previous life in retail, how she uses social media and Periscope – and […]

Etsy Jam

Etsy Jam Episode 24: Phil from Shoplo

In this episode, we talk with Phil from Shoplo about promotion and content marketing. Phil discusses a lot of great topics from growing a fan base to maintaining your brand image, using social media and more! Phil has written a guest post for our blog, if you guys haven’t checked that out yet, you can […]