Etsy Jam

Etsy Jam Episode 24: Phil from Shoplo

In this episode, we talk with Phil from Shoplo about promotion and content marketing. Phil discusses a lot of great topics from growing a fan base to maintaining your brand image, using social media and more! Phil has written a guest post for our blog, if you guys haven’t checked that out yet, you can […]

Etsy Jam

Etsy Jam Episode 23: Feed the Wolf

In this episode, Richie and I talk about being self reliant – especially when it’s easier to fall into the trap of being negative. We talk about not playing the blame game but instead taking matters into your own hands and pushing forward to a solution. And feeding wolves. Just…make sure you feed the right […]

Etsy Jam

Etsy Jam Episode 22: Greed Part 2

In this episode we put some meat behind Richie’s claim that free is a big lie and paid is honest. Why? Because prenatal vitamins from Target, privacy, motivation behind ads, and reasons. Up next is part 2 of our 2 part series on greed. Free is a Lie. Paid is Honest. Like any rule, there […]

Business Life

Work Life Balance – Fact or Fiction?

As I’m writing this, it’s nearly October and many are planning for the holidays if they haven’t already. I’m not talking about planning their holiday time off, at least not in the e-commerce world we work in. I’m talking about planning for the hardest working time of the year. A time when a shop can […]