Etsy SEO

Etsy Tags that Sell: Converting Visitors into Customers

Etsy tags that sell are tags that bring in the right buyers who are looking for a product exactly like yours. They match your target audience. They have the right budget in mind. And they jive with your brand. Using Etsy tags that sell gets your listings to the top of search results and converts browsing visitors into committed buyers. Here’s how to find them.

Understanding Etsy Tags that Sell

This guide explores advanced tagging techniques to help you increase sales by attracting the right audience to your listings. Use this guide to learn how to find the right Etsy tags that attract your target market and wow them with your listing presentation.

Key Takeaways
  • šŸŖ” Tailor your Etsy tags to match your target audience’s search behaviors and preferences, ensuring relevance and specificity.
  • šŸ“‹ Utilize all 13 tags allowed by Etsy, mixing broad and specific keywords to capture both general and niche market attention.
  • šŸƒ Regularly update your tags to align with current trends, seasons, and consumer behaviors to maintain listing relevance and competitiveness.
  • šŸ—£ļø Avoid using overly generic, irrelevant, or misspelled tags, and leverage analytics to refine and optimize your tagging strategy.
Table of Contents

What are Etsy tags that sell?

Etsy tags that sell are strategically chosen keywords that accurately describe your products and align with the search terms potential buyers are using.

These tags resonate with your target audience’s expectations, budget, and lifestyle, ensuring a perfect match with your product and brand.

How do you find Etsy tags that sell? It starts with understanding your audience and aligning your product tags with their search habits through strategic market research and keyword optimization.

Screenshot of Etsy tags that sell on the Etsy listing form.

Etsy Tags for SEO

The best Etsy tags that drive sales are more than just random keywords; they are carefully selected to draw in buyers who are looking for exactly what you offer.

These tags are characterized by:


Tags must be highly relevant to the item you’re selling. This means using specific descriptors that accurately reflect the product’s features, such as “handmade ceramic mug” or “vintage leather backpack.”

Search Intent

Tags should match an Etsy shopper’s search intent. For example, if someone is likely to search for “birthday gift for wife,” using this exact phrase can increase the chances of your product being found.


Specific tags that describe unique aspects of the product, such as “waterproof men’s hiking boots” or “customizable engagement ring,” help attract more qualified trafficā€”people who are looking for exactly what you offer.

Long tail Keywords

These are more detailed and often longer than more commonly searched keywords. They have less competition and can capture buyers who are further along in the buying process, like “wool winter scarf with tassels” instead of just “scarf.”

Seasonality and Trends

Tags that incorporate seasonal terms or current trends can temporarily boost visibility and sales. For instance, using tags like “summer beach hat” in warmer months or “Christmas decoration” during the holiday season can attract buyers looking for timely products.


If your product has a local element, such as art from a specific city or regional craft, including this in your tags can attract buyers interested in that locality, like “Portland handcrafted candles.”

How to Choose Etsy Tags That Convert into Sales

Turning visitors into customers on Etsy starts with a deep understanding of who your audience is and what they’re searching for. By strategically choosing your tags, you can significantly enhance your product’s visibility and appeal to those most likely to buy.

Here’s how you can develop Etsy tags that convert:

Identify Your Target Audience
  • Demographic Details: Consider age, gender, interests, and income level. These factors can influence buying decisions and help you tailor your marketing and tags.
  • Buyer Personas: Create detailed buyer personas that reflect your typical customers. Think about their hobbies, lifestyle, the type of jobs they might have, and their family dynamics. This helps you picture who you are selling to.
  • Customer Needs and Preferences: Understand what drives your audience to purchase. Are they looking for practicality, novelty, luxury, or affordability? Knowing this can guide your tag strategy.
Etsy seller writing out the different characteristics of his target audience.
Product Purpose and Appeal:
  • Solve a Problem: Define how your product addresses specific problems or needs. For instance, if you sell ergonomic office accessories, tags like “comfortable desk setup” or “home office upgrade” directly speak to common issues.
  • Enhance Lifestyle: Highlight how your product fits or enhances the customer’s lifestyle. If you’re selling handcrafted yoga mats, tags such as “eco-friendly yoga” or “luxury exercise gear” could attract enthusiasts who value sustainability and quality.
  • Emotional Appeal: Consider the emotional response your product evokes. If you sell handmade jewelry, tags like “sentimental gift” or “custom engraved necklaces” can resonate with shoppers looking for meaningful presents.

ā†’ Related: Here are the top Etsy searches for products shoppers want right now.

Align Tags with Audience Preferences:
  • Keyword Research: Use tools like Marmalead to find what keywords your audience uses when they search for products like yours.
  • Check Competitor Tags: Analyze successful competitors to see which tags they use that could be relevant to your products. Adapt these tags to fit your unique items and brand voice.
  • Tag Combinations: Combine broad and niche-specific tags. Broad tags increase your visibility among general searches, while specific tags draw in traffic from buyers with distinct needs. For example, “gifts for her” (broad) and “custom Mother’s Day bracelet” (specific).
  • Seasonal and Event-Driven Tags: Update your tags based on seasons, holidays, and current events that might influence buying patterns, such as “back-to-school essentials” or “summer wedding accessories.”
Etsy tags that sell: Screenshot of Etsy SEO factors in Marmalead.

By thoroughly understanding your target audience, aligning your tags with their preferences, and continually adapting to trends and feedback, you can effectively increase the likelihood of converting browsers into buyers on Etsy.

How to find high-converting Etsy tags that sell

Finding high-converting Etsy tags that sell involves understanding your target audience, market trends, buyer behavior, and search patterns. By leveraging the right tools and insights, you can discover tags that increase your visibility and your chances of making a sale.

Here’s how you can identify Etsy tags that are more likely to convert visitors into buyers:

Use Marmalead to Find Etsy Tags That Sell

Marmalead is a keyword tool designed for Etsy sellers to optimize their SEO. It offers features like keyword search volume, competition data, and engagement rates, which help you choose tags that have a high potential for conversion.

Etsy tags that sell: Screenshot of 'wool scarf' keyword analytics in Marmalead.

It also shows seasonality trends and forecasts for keywords, helping you pick tags that are likely to perform well based on current trends.

Marmalead helps Etsy sellers with:

  • Search Data Analysis: Utilize Marmalead to analyze real-time search data from Etsy. This Etsy SEO tool provides insights into popular search terms, competition levels, and potential market gaps.
  • Keyword Recommendations: Marmalead offers recommendations for high-performing keywords based on your product category and existing tags. It helps identify which tags are currently trending and which have high engagement but low competition.
  • Seasonality Insights: Take advantage of Marmalead’s ability to forecast keyword popularity across different seasons, helping you plan your tagging strategy in advance.
Study Your Competitors

Look at listings from successful competitors with high sales volumes. Note which tags they use and how these might be contributing to their visibility and sales. While you shouldn’t copy tags directly, this research can inspire you to experiment with similar keywords tailored to your unique products.

Studying your competitors helps Etsy sellers with the following:

  • Tag Adoption: Look at successful sellers in your niche and identify common tags that are associated with top-selling items. This can provide a benchmark for what works in your market.
  • Differentiation Strategy: While it’s helpful to know what tags competitors use, think about how you can differentiate your tags to target niche markets or unique selling propositions.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Keep an eye on any shifts or changes in the tags used by top sellers, as trends can shift quickly on Etsy.
Use Long Tail Keywords

These are longer and more specific phrases that buyers are likely to use when they are closer to making a purchase decision. For example, instead of “necklace,” use “handmade silver locket necklace.”

Long tail keywords typically have lower competition and higher conversion rates because they attract more targeted traffic.

Benefits of using long tail keywords:

  • Higher Conversion Rates: Long tail keywords are more specific and often indicate a higher intent to purchase. For example, a customer searching for “handmade silver Celtic knot necklace” is likely further along in the buying process and more decided on what they want than someone searching for “necklace.” This specificity increases the likelihood of conversions from searches to sales.
  • Less Competition: These keywords are typically less competitive than more general keywords because they are more specific. Fewer sellers will be using the exact long tail phrases, which means your products have a better chance of ranking higher in search results where those specific terms are used.
  • Targeted Traffic: Long tail keywords draw in traffic that is looking for something very specific, which means that the traffic is more targeted. This results in visitors who are more likely to be interested in your exact product, as opposed to more general browsers.
Etsy seller using an Etsy keyword tool to find the best tags for her listings.
Target Seasonal and Trend-Based Tags

Adjust your tags based on seasonal events or trending topics. For instance, including tags like “eco-friendly Easter gifts” during the spring or “summer wedding favors” can capture seasonal shoppers looking for specific items.

Tips for seasonal tagging:

  • Seasonal Traffic: Align your tags with seasonal events, such as “summer beach accessories” or “winter holiday gifts.” This helps to capture traffic from seasonal shoppers.
  • Trend Incorporation: Stay updated with global and niche-specific trends. For example, if eco-friendly products are trending, consider tags like “sustainable fashion” or “recycled materials.”
  • Event-Specific Tags: Tag your products based on upcoming holidays or events, such as “Valentine’s Day jewelry” or “Father’s Day gifts,” to attract shoppers looking for occasion-specific items.
Guage Customer Feedback

Pay attention to the language your customers use in reviews or when they describe what they like about your product. Incorporating this language into your tags can make your listings more relevant and attractive to similar buyers.

Customer feedback offers additional insights into your target audience:

  • Review Analysis: Regularly read through customer reviews and messages to identify any specific terms or phrases they use to describe your products. These can be invaluable for tailoring your tags.
  • Learning from Feedback: Implement changes to your tags based on direct feedback from customers about how they found your product or what they were searching for when they discovered your shop.
  • Engagement Metrics: Use Etsy’s analytics tools to track which tags lead to the highest engagement and sales. Adjust your strategy based on which tags consistently perform well.

By systematically applying these strategies, you can develop a powerful approach to discovering and using Etsy tags that not only attract more views but also convert these views into sales.

Identifying Etsy Tags You Should Avoid

Choosing the right tags on Etsy is crucial for driving traffic to your listings and ultimately converting views into sales. Tags that are not well thought out can negatively impact your search performance and mislead customersā€”hurting your reputation and your pocket.

Here are some specific types of tags to avoid and why:

Overly Generic Tags
  • Why you should avoid it: Tags that are too broad, such as “gift” or “jewelry,” can bury your products under a mountain of search results, making it hard for potential buyers to find your unique items.
  • What you should do instead: Focus on more specific tags that accurately describe the product’s features, uses, or target audience, like “handmade men’s leather wallet” instead of just “gift.”
Etsy tags that sell: Screenshot of 'jewelry' Etsy tag analytics in Marmalead.
Irrelevant or Misleading Tags
  • Why you should avoid it: Using tags that do not accurately reflect your product can lead to customer dissatisfaction and negative reviews, damaging your shop’s credibility and search ranking.
  • What you should do instead: Choose tags that genuinely represent the product’s material, function, or design, and ensure every tag is directly related to the item.
Overly Complicated or Misspelled Tags
  • Why you should avoid it: Complicated or incorrectly spelled tags can reduce the likelihood that your product will appear in search results, as they may not match common search terms used by potential buyers.
  • What you should do instead: Use simple, clear, and commonly understood terms that are spelled correctly. Regularly review your tags for errors and clarity.
Seasonally Inappropriate or Redundant Tags
  • Why you should avoid it: Using tags that are out of season can lead to lower search relevance and engagement. Similarly, redundant tags waste valuable tag space without adding any additional visibility.
  • What you should do instead: Update your tags according to the current season or upcoming events, and ensure each tag uniquely contributes to reaching different search queries.
Highly Competitive Tags Without Differentiation
  • Why you should avoid it: While it’s tempting to use popular tagsā€”if they’re highly competitive, your products might get lost among thousands of similar listings.
  • What you should do instead: Pair popular tags with more specific, niche tags that can help differentiate your listings and attract a more targeted audience.
Group of Etsy sellers discussing tactics to fins Etsy tags that sell.
Tags Not Supported by Listing Content
  • Why you should avoid it: If the tags are not supported by the content in your title, description, or images, Etsy’s algorithm may view them as irrelevant, which can negatively affect your search ranking.
  • What you should do instead: Ensure there is a clear and logical connection between your tags and the content of your listing. This alignment helps improve your SEO on Etsy.
Redundant Tags
  • Why you should avoid it: Using tags that are too similar to each other doesn’t effectively broaden the search reach of your listings.
  • What you should do instead: Diversify your tags to cover a wider range of potential search terms. For example, instead of using “blue scarf” and “scarf blue,” use one of those and replace the other with something like “winter neckwear.”

Over to you

Understanding how to find and use Etsy tags that sell is both an art and a science. The trick is to find highly relevant keywords that are actually being searched by Etsy shoppers. Then, offer a product that’s hard to resist.

By choosing the right tags that describe your product and align with what your ideal customers are searching for, you can improve search ranking and find yourself with a better conversion rate.

Remember, the best Etsy tags evolve with trends, customer feedback, and ongoing market research. Stay adaptable and strategic, and your Etsy shop will stay relevant to future shoppers.

Happy selling, everyone!

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