Etsy SEO

The Complete Guide to Optimize Etsy Listings for Google Search

When you optimize Etsy listings for Google search, you open the door to a broader audience, significantly increasing your chances of attracting interested shoppers. However, many sellers often ignore Google’s potential, focusing solely on Etsy search traffic. If this sounds like you, then it’s time to change the way you think about SEO.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the most effective methods to ensure your Etsy listings are optimized for Google search, enhancing visibility and drawing potential customers to your products.

Let’s dive into the best practices for making your products stand out on Google!

The Main Difference Between Etsy Search & Google Search

There are obvious differences in Etsy’s focus and functionality vs. Google’s. First, Etsy’s algorithm is tailored specifically for its marketplace, emphasizing factors like relevancy in search, listing quality (which includes customer reviews and shop policies), and shop quality.

When utilizing effective Etsy SEO strategies, Etsy’s algorithm will match buyers with the most relevant products within the Etsy marketplace.

On the other hand, Google’s algorithm is more comprehensive — aiming to provide relevant search results from the entire web. It considers various factors, including website authority, content quality, user experience, and external links.

While both prioritize relevancy, Etsy’s algorithm is more specialized for its own marketplace dynamics, whereas Google’s algorithm has a broader scope across the entire internet.

How to Optimize Etsy Listings for Google Search

Laptop resting on Google search screen.

To effectively optimize your Etsy listings for Google Search, it’s essential to address several key elements within your listings. Fortunately, many of these elements align with the best practices already recommended for optimizing your listings on Etsy’s internal search engine.

Keep reading to explore several actionable steps you can take to ensure your products are discoverable on Etsy and rank well on Google.

To optimize Etsy listings for Google search, you’ll need to focus on the following:

Use Relevant Etsy Keywords for Google SEO

Optimize Etsy Listings for Google Search: Overhead view of woman working on a laptop at her desk.

Just like Etsy SEO, the most important aspect of appearing in Google search results is with relevant keywords that drive traffic.

This means your critical first step is to research keywords that potential customers might use to find products like yours. Once you’ve found these keywords, include them in your listing’s title, description, and tags.

Follow the steps below to find relevant keywords and apply them effectively:

Researching Relevant Etsy Keywords with Marmalead

To research keywords effectively, tools like Marmalead make the process manageable and fun. Marmalead specializes in Etsy SEO and offers valuable insights into keyword trends and performance.

Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to leverage Marmalead for researching the most relevant and effective keywords to help you optimize Etsy listings for Google search:

1. Understand Your Product and Target Audience

Before diving into keyword research, clearly understand your product’s features, benefits, and the type of customers you are targeting. Consider what makes your product unique and how your ideal customer would describe it.

Start by brainstorming a list of potential keywords that relate to your product. Consider words or phrases your customers might use when searching for items like yours.

2. Enter Your Initial Keyword Ideas into Marmalead

Use Marmalead to search your individual keyword ideas and add them to a list within the keyword tool.

Marmalead will show helpful data relevant to each keyword, such as search volume, engagement, and competition. High search volume with reasonable engagement and lower competition can be a good indicator of a valuable keyword.

Optimize Etsy Listings for Google Search: Screenshot of "ring holder necklace" keyword details from Marmalead.
3. Analyze Keyword Trends

Marmalead shows trend data for keywords to show its customer engagement over time. Choosing keywords that have consistent performance over time or are trending upwards is an effective strategy to capitalize on the potential demand for a product.

4. Study Competitors

Look at successful Etsy listings that Marmalaed shows are similar to yours. Analyze your competitors’ keywords and how they incorporate them into their listings.

Look for gaps in your competitor’s keyword strategy to find your own foothold in your market.

5. Look for Long-Tail Keywords

Pay attention to long-tail keywords (phrases that are more specific and usually longer than more commonly used keywords). They often have less competition and can attract more targeted traffic.

6. Explore Synonyms and Variations

Explore synonyms and variations of your primary keywords. Different customers may use different terms to search for the same item. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and consider the various terms they associate with your product.

7. Use the Marmalead Storm Tool

Marmalead’s Storm tool helps you generate a wide range of related keywords and phrases based on your initial input, which can be incredibly useful for expanding your keyword list.

8. Review and Refine

After collecting a list of potential keywords, review them in the context of your product. Ensure they are relevant and accurately describe your item.

9. Integration into Listings

Integrate these keywords naturally into your product titles, descriptions, and tags. Avoid keyword stuffing — the text should still be engaging and readable.

10. Continuous Monitoring and Adjusting

SEO is not a one-time task. Regularly monitor the performance of your chosen keywords and be prepared to make adjustments. Trends can change, and new keywords may become relevant over time.

By following these steps and utilizing Marmalead effectively, you can significantly improve your chances of attracting the right customers through better keyword optimization.

Remember, the goal is to match your product with the search terms your potential customers are using.

Create a Compelling Etsy Title to Rank on Google

Woman thinking of different ways, while at her computer, to optimize Etsy listings for Google search.

Your title should be clear and descriptive and include the most relevant keywords that are related to your product. Avoid stuffing it with too many keywords — it should remain readable and engaging. 

Remember, Google’s algorithm prioritizes content that is relevant and useful to users. A clear and descriptive title with relevant keywords makes it easier for Google to understand what your product is, increasing the likelihood that it will show up in search results for those terms.

Let’s consider an example where you’re selling handmade ceramic coffee mugs. A compelling title for your Etsy listing would incorporate keywords that potential customers might use to search for such a product while being clear and engaging. Here’s an example:

Example Listing Title:

“Handcrafted Ceramic Coffee Mug – Unique Glazed Pottery Cup for Espresso & Tea, Artisan Kitchenware”

In this title:
  • “Handcrafted Ceramic Coffee Mug” is the primary keyword phrase that clearly describes the product.
  • “Unique Glazed Pottery Cup” adds descriptive elements, suggesting the uniqueness and material of the mug.
  • “for Espresso & Tea” specifies the use, catering to customers looking for mugs for specific beverages.
  • “Artisan Kitchenware” includes an additional keyword that could appeal to those searching for handcrafted or artisanal kitchen items.
This title is effective because it:
  • Describes the product clearly and concisely.
  • Includes relevant keywords without feeling forced or overstuffed.
  • Appeals to customers looking for both functional and aesthetically pleasing kitchenware.
  • Differentiates the product (handcrafted, unique glaze) from more generic items.

Write Detailed Descriptions to Optimize Etsy Listings for Google Search

Woodworker writing detailed listing descriptions to optimize his Etsy listings for Google search

Providing detailed and informative descriptions is one of the best ways to clue in Google search on the various aspects of your listing.

Your listing description is a great place to explain the benefits, features, and potential uses of your product — offering a comprehensive overview of what your product is all about.

This should include specifics such as dimensions, materials, color options, and any unique characteristics. For example, if you’re selling a handmade scarf, detail its material (e.g., 100% organic cotton), the dimensions, the texture, the color range, and any unique patterns or design features.

Use important keywords first

While the exact number of characters Google analyzes from Etsy listings isn’t specified, it’s still a good practice to put the most important information, keywords, and phrases at the beginning of your description. This way, they are more likely to be displayed in the search snippet and caught by both Etsy’s and Google’s search algorithms.

Incorporate Keywords Naturally

Integrate keywords in a way that reads naturally. Avoid keyword stuffing, which can make the description read unnaturally and negatively impact the user experience. Keywords should be relevant to the product and used in a context that enhances the description.

Woman using her laptop to optimize Etsy listings for Google search

Highlight Benefits and Features

Clearly differentiate between features (what the product is or has) and benefits (what the product does or provides to the customer). For example, a feature of a ceramic mug might be its handmade nature and unique glaze, while the benefit is its durability and the unique aesthetic it adds to the buyer’s kitchenware.

Describe Your Product in Use

Describe how the product can be used, potentially highlighting various scenarios or occasions. If the product can be used in multiple ways or has versatile applications, mention these. This not only provides clarity to the customer but also enhances your product’s perceived value.

Build a Brand Through Storytelling

Infuse your brand story by sharing the unique story behind your products. This could include the inspiration for the product, the process of creating it, or any personal touches. Storytelling can create an emotional connection with potential buyers, making your products more appealing to your target audience.

Address Customer Pain Points

Address common questions or concerns that a potential buyer might have. For example, if you’re selling skincare products, you might include information on how they’re suitable for different skin types, or how they address specific skin concerns.

With Marmalead, you can use the power of AI to quickly build an FAQ for your listing descriptions. By analyzing your existing listing description, we’ll help you answer important questions related to your product — ensuring your listing meets your customer’s expectations.

SEO Considerations

While focusing on the customer experience, keep the SEO aspect in mind. Use keywords strategically for SEO but ensure they don’t disrupt the flow or readability of the description. Your titles should, first and foremost, be written for humans, not robots.

Format Descriptions for Readability

Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and headers to make the description easy to scan. Online shoppers often skim content, so make key information easy to find.

Make Updates Based on Feedback

Regularly update your descriptions based on customer feedback or questions. If you find that customers frequently ask certain questions, incorporate that information into your description.

Use High-Quality Images to Rank for Google Image Search Results

iPhone photographer taking photo of Etsy seller holding her product.

Google values user experience — making high-quality images an easy way to improve your listing’s appeal. Use clear, well-lit photos that showcase your product from multiple angles.

Your First Impression Counts

High-quality images are often the first thing a potential customer notices about your listing. They play a crucial role in making a strong first impression. Clear, well-composed, and high-resolution images instantly convey professionalism and the quality of your product.

Products with Visual Appeal

Google, like users, favors visually appealing content. High-quality images can make your listing more attractive and engaging, which can lead to better search rankings and higher click-through rates. Images that stand out in search results can draw more traffic to your listing.

Showcase Important Product Details

Detailed images allow customers to inspect the product closely, just like they would in a physical store. Use multiple images to highlight your product’s quality, texture, color, size, and special features. This detailed visualization helps build customer trust and reduce uncertainty.

Use Multiple Angles and Contexts

Optimize Etsy Listings for Google Search: Etsy seller sorting through various lifestyle product photos.

Providing images from multiple angles and, if applicable, in different contexts (e.g., a piece of jewelry worn, or a decorative item in a home setting) gives customers a comprehensive view of the product. This can help answer questions about how the product looks in use or from different perspectives.

Be Consistent in Branding

Ensure that your images are not only high-quality but also consistent with your brand aesthetic. This includes aspects like lighting, background, and styling. Consistent branding helps in building a recognizable image for your shop and can aid in customer recall.

Optimize for Web Traffic

While ensuring high resolution, also optimize your images for the web. Large image files can slow down page load times, which can negatively impact both user experience and SEO. If you need to, use image compression tools to reduce file size without losing quality.

Tools like Adobe’s free image resizer are great for this.

Alt-Text and Descriptions

Use alt text and image descriptions effectively. These are read by search engines and can help your images rank in image searches. Include relevant keywords but ensure that the alt text accurately describes the image.

Mobile-Friendly Images

A significant number of users shop on mobile devices. Ensure your images are optimized for mobile viewing, maintaining quality and clarity on smaller screens.

Incorporate Lifestyle Shots

If applicable, include lifestyle shots showing your product used in its intended environment. This helps potential buyers visualize your product in their own lives.

Listen to Feedback

Pay attention to customer feedback and questions related to your product’s appearance. If multiple customers message you with questions about the physical aspects of your product, you may want to address these questions with additional photos. Use this information to improve and update your images as necessary.

Identify Categories & Attributes to Optimize Etsy Listings for Google Search

To optimize Etsy listings for Google search, ensure you select the most appropriate category for your item and fill out as many relevant attributes as possible. This helps Google understand what you’re selling.

Etsy seller thumbing through an assortment of fabrics.

Categories Help in Classification

Choosing the right category helps ensure that your product is correctly classified on Etsy. This is important because it determines where your product appears within Etsy’s internal search and browsing structures.

We like to call this your 14th tag. So don’t sleep on it!

Attributes Enhance Specificity

Attributes provide detailed information about your product. This includes aspects like size, color, material, and style. By filling out these attributes, you give more specific data about your item, which helps in matching it with more targeted search queries.

Improved Search Relevance

Both categories and attributes contribute to making your listing more relevant to specific search queries. This relevance is key to appearing in search results both on Etsy and in Google searches.

Provide A Better User Experience

Accurate categorization and detailed attributes enhance the user experience. Customers can find what they’re looking for more easily, which can lead to higher satisfaction and potentially better conversion rates.

Google’s Understanding of Your Product

Google’s search algorithms aim to provide users with the most relevant search results. By categorizing your product correctly and providing detailed attributes, you’re essentially giving Google more context about your product. This improved understanding can help Google index and display your product more effectively in search results.

Increased Visibility in Filters

On Etsy, users often use filters (based on categories and attributes) to narrow down their search. Correctly categorized items with complete attributes are more likely to appear in these filtered searches.

Encourage Etsy Reviews to Increase Favorability with Google

Positive reviews can improve your Etsy shop’s credibility and attractiveness. You should always encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews!

Two influencers reviewing makeup product in front of camera and ring light.

Building Credibility and Trust

Positive reviews significantly boost the credibility of your Etsy shop. When potential customers see that others have had positive experiences with your products, it builds trust in your brand. This trust factor is crucial for online marketplaces where buyers rely heavily on others’ feedback.

Improving Shop Attractiveness

Listings with more positive reviews are generally more attractive to potential buyers. Reviews often provide additional insights into the quality of the product, the reliability of the seller, and the overall customer experience, which can be a deciding factor for purchases.

Enhancing Search Rankings

Etsy’s search algorithm considers a shop’s review history as a factor in search rankings. Shops with higher average reviews and more frequent feedback tend to rank better in search results, leading to increased visibility.

Seek Feedback for Improvement

Reviews can provide valuable feedback for continuous improvement. Customers may highlight aspects of your product or service that you can improve upon, contributing to your shop’s overall growth and development.

Boutique Etsy seller analyzing vintage clothing items.

Encouraging Reviews Tactfully:

  • After Purchase Follow-Up: Politely reach out to customers after their purchase to ensure they are satisfied with their product and gently encourage them to leave a review.
  • Include a Note with the Product: Adding a personalized thank-you note in the product packaging can be an effective way to remind buyers to leave a review.
  • Offer Exceptional Customer Service: Providing excellent customer service increases the likelihood of receiving positive reviews. Respond promptly and helpfully to customer inquiries and concerns.
  • Respond to Reviews: Responding to reviews, both positive and negative, shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to customer satisfaction. This can encourage more customers to leave reviews.

How to Incentivize Reviews

While you should never buy reviews or offer incentives in exchange for positive reviews (as this goes against Etsy’s policies), you can encourage reviews by offering excellent overall service, follow-up, and a great product experience.

Use Reviews in Your Marketing

Showcase positive reviews in your marketing materials or on social media to attract new customers.

Leverage Negative Reviews Constructively

Use negative reviews as an opportunity to show potential customers how you handle problems and customer dissatisfaction. Addressing issues professionally can turn a negative into a positive.

Make Reviewing Easy

Include instructions or a direct link to the review section in your follow-up messages to make the process as easy as possible for customers.

Optimize Etsy Listings for Google Search: Group of Etsy sellers discussing marketing best-practices in a conference room.

Backlinks, also known as “inbound links” or “incoming links,” are links from one website to another. In the context of your Etsy shop, a backlink is when another website (like a blog, news site, or a different online marketplace) includes a link that directs its users to your Etsy shop.

Backlinks from reputable websites signal to search engines like Google that your Etsy shop is also reputable and valuable. This can significantly boost your shop’s ranking in search engine results, making it more visible to potential customers.

Linking from Personal Blog/Website

If you have a personal blog or website, regularly link to your Etsy shop. Use relevant anchor texts and integrate these links naturally within your content. For example, if you write a blog post about home decoration, you can link to your Etsy shop that sells home decor items.

Try Guest Blogging

Write articles or blog posts for other websites or blogs in your niche. In your author bio or within the content (if allowed), include a link to your Etsy shop. Choose reputable sites that attract an audience interested in your products.

Social Media Profiles and Posts

Utilize your social media profiles to include links to your Etsy shop. When you post content related to your products, direct followers to your shop with a link. Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter are great for this.

Collaborate with Influencers

Partner with influencers who have an audience that would be interested in your products. They can feature your products and include a link to your Etsy shop in their content.

Optimize Etsy Listings for Google Search: Influencer posing in front of camera and ring light.

Online Forums and Communities

Participate in relevant online forums and communities. Engage in conversations and, where appropriate, share a link to your Etsy shop. Ensure that this is done in a helpful, non-spammy way.

Email Newsletters

If you have an email newsletter, include links to your Etsy shop in your emails. This can be a part of the email signature or within the content of the newsletter itself.

YouTube Videos

If you create content on YouTube, you can include links to your Etsy shop in the video descriptions. This is particularly effective if your videos are related to the products you sell.

Local Business Directories

List your Etsy shop in local business directories that allow online business listings. This not only builds backlinks but can also attract local customers.

Collaborate with Other Etsy Sellers

Collaborate with other Etsy sellers in complementary niches. You can promote each other’s shops and products, creating valuable cross-links.

Create Shareable Content

Create content that is likely to be shared by others, such as infographics, tutorials, or compelling blog posts. The more your content is shared, the more backlinks it can generate.

Participate in Online Events

Engaging in online events, webinars, or live streams where you can mention your shop can also be an effective way to get backlinks.

Utilize Etsy Stats to Improve Optimization for Google Search

Optimize Etsy Listings for Google Search: Etsy seller using a clear expo board to keep track of sales

Etsy provides sellers with a range of analytics tools within its seller dashboard to help them improve the performance of their listings.

By regularly monitoring and analyzing these aspects of your Etsy SEO and traffic stats, you can gain a clear understanding of your shop’s online performance and identify areas where improvements can be made. This ongoing process of analysis and optimization is key to increasing visibility, attracting more traffic, and ultimately, boosting sales on Etsy.

Here’s how you can effectively utilize these tools:

Etsy Shop Stats

Etsy’s Shop Stats give you a detailed overview of your shop’s traffic and performance. This includes information on how buyers find your shop, which listings are getting the most views, and what search terms are leading customers to your listings.

Traffic Sources

This section of your stats shows where your traffic is coming from – whether it’s from Etsy search, social media, direct traffic, or other sources. Understanding your main traffic sources can help you tailor your marketing and SEO strategies accordingly.

Keyword Insights

You can see which keywords are driving traffic to your listings. This insight is crucial for SEO as it helps you understand which keywords are working and which ones might need more optimization in your titles, tags, and descriptions.

Listing Performance

Etsy also provides data on individual listing performance. You can see how many views, favorites, and sales each item is getting. Analyzing this data helps identify which products are popular and which ones might need more promotional efforts or SEO optimization.

Customer Engagement

Engagement metrics such as favorites, add to cart, and purchases can give you an idea of how well your listings resonate with potential buyers. High engagement with low conversion might indicate a need for adjustment in pricing, images, or product descriptions.

Happy Etsy seller standing in front of her vintage clothing items.

Conversion Rates

Understanding your conversion rate (the percentage of visits that turn into sales) can help you gauge the effectiveness of your listings. If you have high traffic but low conversion rates, it might be time to optimize your listings for better performance.

Timeframe Comparisons

Compare your stats across different timeframes to understand trends and seasonal effects on your shop’s performance. This can help in planning for peak seasons or understanding slow periods.

Adjust Based on Insights

Use these insights to make informed decisions. Adjust your SEO strategies, experiment with different keywords, tweak your listings, and measure the impact of these changes over time.

Optimize Your Listings for Mobile Google Search

use mobile-friendly practices to optimize Etsy listings for google search

Optimizing your Etsy listings for mobile Google search involves a mix of general SEO best practices and specific strategies to ensure your listings perform well on mobile devices.

Mobile optimization for your Etsy listings is crucial, given the growing trend of consumers shopping on mobile devices. Here’s how you can ensure your listings are optimized for mobile users:

Responsive Images

Use high-quality images that are also responsive, meaning they adjust smoothly to different screen sizes. Images should load quickly and display clearly on both desktop and mobile devices. Avoid using large image files that can slow down loading times on mobile. Etsy recommends using images at least 2000 pixels wide on the shortest side to ensure high-quality display across all devices, including mobile.

Concise and Clear Titles

Mobile screens have less display space, so make sure your titles are concise yet descriptive enough. Avoid long titles that might be truncated on a mobile screen, potentially missing out on key information or keywords.

Optimized Descriptions

Keep your product descriptions clear and to the point. While detail is important, remember that mobile users are more likely to skim content. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and headers to make information easy to digest.

Double Check Your Listings on Mobile

Regularly check your listings on mobile to see how they appear to most mobile users. This can give you a firsthand perspective of the user experience.

Use Social Media to Optimize Etsy Listings for Google

Social media promotion is a powerful tool for Etsy sellers to increase visibility, drive traffic, and enhance product search visibility, all while building important backlinks for Google. To optimize Etsy listings for Google search, it helps to have a social media presence that links back to your shop page and individual listings.

Use social media to optimize Etsy listings for google search

SEO Benefits of Social Media

Social media can indirectly benefit your SEO. While social links themselves don’t directly boost search rankings, the increased traffic and visibility can lead to more backlinks and improved search engine visibility.

Choose the Right Platforms

Different social media platforms cater to different audiences. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are highly visual, making them ideal for showcasing products. Facebook is great for building communities, and Twitter can be used for quick updates and engagement.

Create High-Quality Content

Share high-quality images and engaging descriptions of your products. Videos, behind-the-scenes content, and stories can also be very effective. The content should be tailored to fit the style and norms of each platform.

Link Directly to Your Etsy Shop

Whenever possible, include direct links to your Etsy shop or specific listings. This makes it easy for interested buyers to find and purchase your products.

Collaborate with Influencers

Partner with social media influencers who resonate with your brand to reach a broader audience. Influencers can help validate your products to their followers.

Cross-Promote Across Channels

If you are active on multiple platforms, cross-promote your content. For instance, share your Instagram posts on Facebook or your Pinterest pins on Twitter.

Follow Etsy’s SEO Advice to Optimize Listings for Google Search

Mirror placed in a trendy room, resembling popular furniture featured on the Etsy marketplace

Balancing Etsy and Google Optimization

Sellers should focus on buyer’s needs first. Avoid keyword stuffing and create listings that are clear and descriptive for buyers. This approach benefits both Etsy and Google SEO.

Handling Seasonal or Trending Keywords

If a certain product is seasonal but essentially the same as an existing listing, it’s better to keep the same listing and adjust tags or descriptions rather than create new listings.

This helps with ranking, as new listings take time to be recognized by search algorithms.

Keyword Research and Analysis

Utilize tools like Marmaled, Google’s related searches, and Google Trends for keyword research. Additional keyword tools specific to Google can be used for advanced research.

Effective Use of Titles, Descriptions, and Tags

Ensure that titles and descriptions accurately describe the product. Tags should reflect the category and attributes of the product. Avoid duplicating the title in the description.

Importance of Photos and ALT Text

High-quality images and appropriate ALT text descriptions are essential for SEO. ALT text should describe the image for visually impaired users and search engine bots.

International SEO

Sellers should focus on their primary market — Etsy will handle the International SEO, including translations and market-specific optimizations.

Use international SEO practices to optimize Etsy listings for google search

Leveraging Reviews for SEO

Encourage customers to leave reviews, as they significantly impact SEO. Responding to reviews, whether positive or negative, is also beneficial.

Consistent Updating and Editing of Listings

Regular updates and edits to listings can improve SEO, but it’s essential to do this gradually to allow algorithms to adjust.

Use Bullet Points in Listing Descriptions

Bullet points can enhance readability and are useful for SEO, but they should be used appropriately.

Avoid Duplicate Listings

Creating multiple listings for similar products can confuse algorithms and buyers. It’s better to have unique listings with distinct titles, descriptions, and tags.

Impact of Shipping Information on SEO

Including clear shipping information, such as free shipping, can improve click-through rates and overall SEO performance.

Over to you

Optimizing Etsy listings for Google search is an essential step in expanding your reach and drawing in potential customers beyond the confines of the Etsy platform.

The encouraging aspect is that the principles guiding Etsy SEO largely overlap with those for Google optimization. At its core, this involves strategically incorporating keywords in your listing titles, descriptions, and tags — a pivotal role in boosting your visibility in all search results.

By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you will enhance the chances of your Etsy listings being recognized and indexed by Google’s search engine and ensure your product information is effectively tailored to align with Google’s search algorithms.

By optimizing your listings for Etsy search and Google, you maximize your online presence — significantly increasing your opportunities to attract and engage a wider audience.

As always, happy selling!

Grow your online business, develop your SEO, and launch your sales into the stratosphere.

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Improve your Etsy SEO with free Marmalead tools, designed to take your handmade business to the next level.

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